12. Neotropical Green Anole

Ann Healey ARPS

Print Submission

Statement of Intent

The early arrival of the rainy season in Costa Rica brought low light, high humidity and an all-enveloping cloud cover. This made photographing its native wildlife, in the various protected rain and cloud forests, a challenge. 

However, the rich variety of fauna which can be found in these conservation areas is extensive and for my panel, I have sought to illustrate the diversity of birds, reptiles and insects which co-exist in the different habitats I visited.

Having submitted two unsuccessful Natural History panels in 2014, I learnt much about what was required in order to succeed and gave myself some time to get an interesting panel together, all photographed in Costa Rica in May 2015.

Although the rainy season arrived early, we were fortunate to travel to some wonderful locations where the wildlife was extensive and varied. Putting my panel together was not an easy task but as the most important aspect of selection is to produce an interesting, diverse and cohesive collection of images, I felt my final layout was the most visually pleasing.