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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Michael Poole ARPS Panel 10
CREDIT: Michael Poole ARPS

Michael Poole ARPS

Print Submission

Statement of Intent

As a professional sports photographer, my role is to capture key points of action like a goal or try being scored.  Low light, the need for long telephoto lenses, the unpredictable nature of sport and tight deadlines are part and parcel of my job.

My panel was developed over a period of 5 years, which involved three advisory days and considerable advice and support.

My first challenge was to provide sufficient variety, but for me, the biggest one was to deliver a balanced panel.  This was an alien concept as my ‘L’ panel was gained by exemption and I struggled to get to grips with it.

Of the images, the track cyclist in the central image - Laura Trott (now Kenny) - is a personal favourite as she is incredibly brave, talented, bubbling with enthusiasm and charming.