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Remember to register for the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Photographic Society

CREDIT: Peter Benson ARPS

Peter Benson ARPS

Print submission

Statement of Intent


'I often think that the night is more alive and more richly coloured than the day'
- Vincent Van Gogh

Wandering through a city in the daylight hours there is always a certain energy, but frequently it is a commonplace and impersonal experience.

Conversely, exploring the city at night can be mesmerizing. The same, often noisy, places you wandered through in the morning, change significantly under the veil of night time.

When the night has come, thousands of glittering lights transform places into enchanting, colourful and completely magical sights. Everything looks so beautiful, especially in the reflection of the water.

In producing this panel I hope to convey the evocative beauty and sense of tranquillity
and calm that I experience and observe in cities at night.