CREDIT: Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS

Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS

Print Submission

Statement of Intent

I am a published photographer who has had many book and magazine covers published over the years, along with images in glossy coffee table books. Three of my own books have also been published which are collections of my photographs.

Whilst this is a personal project, I would like it to have an end purpose. My intent is to make this body of work into a fourth book. I wanted to make this project truly mine, by putting more of myself into it. I have not only taken the photographs, but I’ve done the styling, make-up, building up hair with wigs and hairpieces, and made as many of the props as I can, including some of the clothing.  Lots of planning has gone into each look, even before I press the shutter.

My working title is ‘Deadly’.