Jon Tyson Unsplash.Com

Film, Video and Multimedia

Distinctions at the levels of Licentiate, Associate and Fellowship in this genre recognise the creation of high quality, innovative and engaging stories told via the medium of Film, Video or Multimedia.

These globally recognised distinctions are aimed at film and video making across diverse cultural, traditional and contemporary practices, from the initial concept through cinematography, post‐production and presentation.

Submissions could include documentary, drama, music video, stop‐frame animation as well as the artist video and gallery installation form.

Entries that may be considered as Multimedia in which sequences of still images only or sequences of still and moving images are combined to tell a story, enhancing the images with music, narration, text and other sound effects are welcome in the Film genre. See the section Multimedia below for guidelines which apply to entries of this type. If you are unsure which Distinction level is appropriate for you or whether your entry should be evaluated using Multimedia criteria, please contact Distinctions Manager Andy Moore in the Distinctions Department.

General assessment requirements for all levels of Distinction

1. The cinematography/photography must be 100% the work of the applicant. Joint submissions
are not allowed.

2. Sound recording, mixing and editing can be outsourced, but the applicant is responsible for the
quality of the submitted work.

3. Third party images such as archive footage, stills or animation will be accepted where they are
deemed necessary to support the story being told, but may only constitute a maximum of 30%
of each element of the submission. Full attribution and copyright consent must be provided for
all third‐party images and music.


The Licentiate distinction will be awarded for submission of a body of work up to 30 minutes, this is
a guide only and complete films which are longer are acceptable.
Your submission should show basic competence in:

- Camera work and technical quality
- Visual awareness
- Lighting skills
- Communication of your story by appropriate image sequencing


The Associate distinction will be awarded for submission of a body of work up to 60 minutes; this is
a guide only and complete films which are longer are acceptable.

At this level of filmmaking, the submission should:

- Demonstrate a high level of technical ability in cinematography.
- Show good management of lighting
- Use creative techniques and styles appropriate to the subject matter
- Use skilled editing techniques.
- Your application must include a Statement of Intent (Word or PDF file) with a maximum of
150 words which answers the question:

“From a cinematic story‐telling perspective, what is your intent with this submission?”

The application may consist of the works as a whole, where entirely created by you or consist of a
recognisable contribution(s) to a film or moving image piece. Primarily this will be a recognition of
cinematography as well as cinematographically orientated animation (e.g. stop‐frame).


The Fellowship distinction will be awarded for work of the highest standard and will recognise
excellence in film making. The Fellowship distinction will be awarded for submission of a body of
work up to 60 minutes; this is a guide only and complete films which are longer are acceptable

At this level of film making, the submission should:

- Display the highest level of cinematographic techniques.
- Demonstrate lighting skills
- Have a distinctive personal style.
- Communicate in a creative manner your vision of your work.
- Your application must include a Statement of Intent (Word or PDF file) with a maximum of
150 words which answers the question:

“From a cinematic story‐telling perspective, what is your intent with this submission?”

The application may consist of the works as a whole or selections from works, where entirely
created by you or consist of a recognisable contribution to a film or moving image piece. Primarily
this will be a recognition of cinematography as well as cinematographically orientated animation
(e.g. stop‐frame).


Entries in this category may consist of sequences of still images only, or combinations of still and moving images which unite to tell a story, and may be enhanced by music, narration and sound effects.

For each of the levels of Distinction, the criteria for Film and Digital described above also apply to Multimedia. Still images must demonstrate consistency of photographic technique, quality and creativity appropriate to the level of Distinction being applied for as described in the criteria for Film and Digital.

Duration of Multimedia Submissions

The durations below are the total length of the submission, not of individual sequences. Variations, either shorter or longer, may be accepted after consultation with the Distinctions Department.

: up to 15 minutes
Associate: up to 20 minutes
Fellowship: up to 30 minutes

Format Requirements

File formats are to be MP4 or AVI.

If your work is accessible on‐line, please provide a link to a downloadable file at high definition (HD) quality.

In all cases, please provide a file or link to a version where your name has been removed as all entries must be anonymous for the assessment process. For successful applications, the RPS may ask to feature your work on our website ‐ in which case your name may then be included in the credits / titles.



Successful Submissions


Harry Fitzjohn LRPS
Achieved: 31st July 2020


Noel McIntyre ARPS 
Achieved: 31st July 2020


Beth Staley ARPS 
Achieved: 30th September 2021



Zac Macaulay FRPS
Achieved: 31st July 2020

How to Apply

Please submit a completed booking form to book an assessment

Applicants will receive a confirmation email of their booking and will need to send their final submission by the advertised cut-off date

All submissions will be sent to the chair and panel members for assessment after the cut-off date. A decision is made collectively by the chair and panel members, based on the appropriate criteria detailed on this page. All decisions will be notified by email on the date noted below. 


Assessment Dates

Submission cut-off dates for all three levels: 

27th July 2024

Results Announced: 

27th September 2024

Assessment Fees*

Licentiate £85.00
Associate £120.00
Fellowship £170.00

*Concessionary fees available. Please see booking form for details


Film, Video & Multimedia booking Form

Clicking "Download" will open a PDF file within a new browser window


Panel Members 2024

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Max Robinson FRPS 


Ravi Deepres


Annemarie Lean-Vercoe FRPS


Roger Chapman FRPS


Malcolm Wright FRPS

Ian Bateman

Michael Timney FRPS

Dick Pope

Rachel Morrison FRPS


You can view Panel Members from other Genres Here