About Licentiate Distinction

The Licentiate is the first level of Distinctions, it is demanding but achievable and incredibly rewarding for the photographers who undertake this journey.
Melanie Rolls LRPS
CREDIT: Melanie Rolls LRPS

Develop as a photographer with distinctions

The journey towards achieving a distinction is incredibly rewarding, from choosing to start, to receiving the outcome, applicants tell us how they develop as photographers along the way. When you achieve a Distinction, you are following in the footsteps of thousands of great photographers.

  • Provides focus for your photography. The structure, creative process and your commitment can bring new enjoyment and be mentally rewarding.
  • Gives you new insight and understanding of your own style, as you work on your panel and image choices.
  • Everyone receives quality feedback on their photography. Throughout the journey there are opportunities for feedback, in one2ones, advisories, and in writing with the outcome of your submission. All applicants get feedback.
  • You can take greater pride in your photography knowing you have been recognised by the RPS as achieving a high standard and your Licentiate.

Find out more about starting your journey towards a Licentiate Distinction.

Find out more
CREDIT: Nicolette Love LRPS

Start your distinctions journey today

Licentiate, is the first level of Distinction within the RPS carrying the postnominals LRPS. It is demanding but achievable for most photographers.


More about Licentiate

Member Licentiate journeys

"this has resulted in greater competence in terms of pictorial and technical skills and finally, a sense of achievement in attaining this first distinction. So, fellow photographers, go for it!!"

- D Nicholls LRPS

"These are ten outstanding pictures!” and “A good example of what a resubmission can bring” made me proud, satisfied and happy."

- L Wagner LRPS

"an opportunity to develop a range of approaches I had rarely done before."

- J Hillman LRPS

"It was a wonderful moment. I was elated. I felt so proud of myself."

- M O'Byrne LRPS

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Support on your journey

Anyone can apply for a Distinction, however only RPS members can be fully recognised by their postnominals as a Licentiate of the RPS. Membership of the RPS supports you on your Distinctions journey.

  • Members benefit from guidance from assessors in bookable one2one sessions
  • The Distinctions Facebook group is a valuable source of member support
  • RPS Groups and Regions offer a chance to connect with others with your interests
  • Members benefit from 25% off RPS led workshops, supporting them to achieve the required standard (excludes on-demand)
  • Advisory days provide a chance to get feedback and hear feedback from others, these will launch again in 2025 for Licentiate

Not a member?

Join the RPS
CREDIT: Philip Green LRPS

How to apply

When you apply for your Licentiate it is important to show a variety of approaches and techniques but not necessarily in subject matter. There’s a pdf of the full assessment criteria to support the development of your final submission, which consists of 10 digital images and a presentation layout.

More Info

Could you be exempt?

If you've completed one of the recognised academic courses in the last five years you can apply for an exemption.



Exemptions Explained