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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

Volunteers Help

Volunteers and Members Working Together

We are very keen to showcase our volunteers and member's photography

East Midlands Member Interviews
Volunteers Help
......Volunteers and Members arrive at Grimsby to a Distinctions Workshop in Oct 2019......

Spotlight Interviews with Region Members

If you would be willing to be interviewed for this section please email the Regional Organiser at

CREDIT: Stewart Wall MA ARPS

Click here to go to the interviews

Click here to go to the interviews

East Midlands Member Interviews

Volunteer Team

The East Midlands Region are very grateful to the volunteer team.

Some members have been volunteering for many years, one member is in his 15th year

CREDIT: Jessica Wall

Stewart Wall MA ARPS : Regional Organiser

Stewart has been a professional photographer since 1978 and now teaches photography and photobook creating. He has been the Regional Organiser of East Midlands since 2015, and is also an RPS Licentiate Assessor and Chair. He also wrote the criteria for the Photobook Distinctions Genre and chaired the assessments for two years. In 2021 he was awarded the Fenton Medal and made a life member of the society for his contribution to the work of The Royal Photographic Society.


Personal Website
Keith Phillips

Keith Phillips : Finance Officer

Keith loves creating Black and White photography and is especially interested in documentary and street photography. He focusses on creating projects and has recently been to Venice to create photography and is planning a trip to Blackpool to capture the English seaside.

With qualifications in finance with the Chartered Institute of Bankers he brings a wealth on experience with him to look after the regions finances. As well as looking after the finances Keith is keen to get involved in running events for the region and to help engagement between members.

Richard Hall

Richard Hall MA FRPS: Committee Member

Richard is a professional photographer and as well as being a committee member of the RPS East Midlands he also sits on the Licentiate, the Contemporary, and the Photobooks Distinction Assessment teams

Personal Website
Committee Vacant

Committee Member Vacancy

If you are interested in getting more involved with the RPS as a volunteer please contact Stewart at

Peter Yeo


Volunteer Role

Task Volunteer

Distinctions Assessor (retired)

CREDIT: Stewart Wall MA ARPS

Mark Flatman LRPS

Volunteer Roles

Task Volunteer