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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Regional Organiser - Rolf Kraehenbuehl ARPS

Rolf 3 400Px 2
CREDIT: Phil Newell

After shooting with film as a teenager and young adult and doing my own darkroom work - both in black and white as well as in colour - I was later using exclusively colour slide film while travelling in Northern Europe, South East Asia, Near East, Maghreb and South America. This was followed by almost ten years of photographic inactivity due to work commitments. Since I took up photography again I've embraced digital technology, but I think that analog materials still have their place in today’s photographic world.

In the last few years, my photographic focus was on street photography and the built environment. 

The driving force behind my photography is to see objects and subjects in a way which is new for me, and to expand my photographic vision, trying to progress from looking to actually seeing. I enjoy the process of working on a topic or scene (quite often I enjoy the picture taking more than the outcome) and where possible I return to the same location several times.

I always loved travelling, and enjoyed magnificent and most memorable trips to distant corners of the globe. The current situation forces me now to focus my gaze on my immediate environment. This prompted me to start several documentary projects to explore topics in my vicinity.

My credo is: do what you like to do, no matter what the others say, no matter what the current trends are. Be yourself.

Feel free to contact me at