May 2020 Competition

May 2020 Competition

Welcome to the RPS Northern Region online competition.

37 images in total from RPS members depicting different styles in photography were entered.

The competition was an 'Open' category and judged by Leo Palmer FRPS. Leo Awarded 1st, 2nd & 3rd placings together with three Highly Commended's. The six of which have printed comments displayed beneath their respective image.

The exceptional book 'Magnum Contact Sheets' was awarded as first prize. 

Each image opens as a larger image in a new page if selected.


1st Place

A superb piece of landscape photography. The panromantic effect suits the image perfectly as does the central placing of the church. The tonal arrangement results in a genuine black and white picture, not just one with the colour removed which can be the curse of digital monochrome. Faultless technique from the seeing through the taking, making, and presenting stages. One to explore at length. A very worthy winner.


2nd Place

A high impact image very well captured. The Infinity Bridge over the river Tees at Stockton is at its best, in my opinion, under these lighting conditions. The simplicity of the colours produces a strong geometric composition. The vertical format is perfect for the balance of the image.


3rd Place

Photography is a visual art and in being so does not have rules, but it does have guidelines which can be followed or not as the case may be. One of the guidelines is the story telling element of the picture. Here we have an excellent example of strong story telling.
Very much a personal piece of expression of life today under the lockdown. It does not need any explanation from me to communicate its message of forced separation. Good work from a thinking photographer.

Highly Commended

Excellent seeing and fast taking have combined to capture this picture. That story telling element has been at work again, laced with a massive slice of humour.
Another of the guidelines of composition is balance. Balance of tones, shapes and colours which all go to producing attractively designed images. This picture has that in abundance.

Highly Commended

A genuine piece of photo travel photography that has captured a sense of the time and place and life being lived.
Great work.

Highly Commended

Shades of the old master Brassai, the famous Hungarian-French photographer on of the forerunners of "candid" street photography. An outstanding piece of photography and close to gaining third position.