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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Off The Wall Hanging Plan

Stan Farrow FRPS

Statement of Intent

This Visual Arts Panel was submitted for a Fellowship Distinction in November 2012


“Off the Wall”  By Stan Farrow

I have had a lasting interest in the abstract art of the late 20th Century. Painters such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, André Masson, and even Jóan Miró produced expressionist work that depended heavily on colour, form and texture, but which had little recognisable subject.

In close-up and when examined in detail, I perceived parallels between the shapes, colours and textures of graffiti patterns on a local wall with those of abstract expressionist art.

I faithfully recorded what I saw, leaving the only modifications to the original paint to be those caused by interaction with the substrate and with the elements. In some photographs these natural interactions have provided vital elements in the final image.  My only intervention was in the selection of pattern.

           My intention is that the resulting images provide a colourful range of abstract photographic art.


POST FRPS NOTE From Stan Farrow 2020

Looking back on my FRPS Panel from 2012, I now think that if I were to repeat the experience I certainly would not do it the same way. One’s photography generally improves with time, and hopefully mine has done so too. Whilst I still have a few of the original prints from my FRPS hanging on my walls at home, there are others in the panel that make me wince a bit.


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