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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

River Thamesfx 7


Windsor DSC5866 2
'Locations' Project
A collaborative project to bring together the best of photography from the Thames Valley Region

As we hopefully emerge from the restrictions associated with Covid it is a great time to share your favourite locations within the region. Please email your images to the Thames Valley Web Editor. Images should include your name (and any photographic distinctions), location details and ideally any thoughts on best time or time of year. The image should be a minimum of 2,400 pixels on its longer side, as, if we eventually produce a book of these images, that would work for an A4 size (in that event you would of course be credited). The Locations images can be viewed in our Locations Gallery. Note these images may be used on our Facebook page at a later date.

'Locations' Gallery >

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