Committee Membership

Committee members - Mark Reeves ARPS
Both my grandfather and my father were real outdoors people, always camping, hillwalking and the like, and so it is probably inevitable that I grew up with a similar passion. Since I was a child not only did I love being in wilderness but I also developed a concern for the way that it is treated by humans. My university degree was in Environmental Chemistry with my final year dissertation concerning depletion of the ozone layer. Although I never pursued science as a career, that learning has been invaluable throughout my life.
Those formative years also impacted my photography as I’ve only ever really wanted to photograph outdoors. I am happiest working in our wilder places; in the mountains, on the coast and by lakes and rivers. Perhaps it was another inevitability that I should become a founder member of the RPS Landscape Group.
I’ve been a financial supporter of Greenpeace for as long as I can remember and I am currently the secretary of my local branch of the Green Party.

Paul Morgan
When the call for volunteers for the RPS’s climate change working group went out (following a motion about single use plastics at the 2019 AGM), I put my name forward. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management and have a 27+ years career in waste and resource management.
In that time, I have witnessed and been involved in the transition from the UK’s and Europe’s throwaway society to one that is starting to grasp materials circularity (i.e. ensuring materials are extracted once and then put into a cycle of use, dismantling, recycling and use again – no disposal). Experience I hoped would be of benefit to the Society in its aims to improve its own environmental performance as well as the implementation of the Photography For Everyone Strategy.
The man-made and natural environments are often reflected in my photography through ‘traditional’ landscape images to experimenting with long exposure, light painting and intentional camera movement.
I am currently the Chair of ESRCom and be contacted via ESRC@rps.org .