6121 6123 2000
CREDIT: Alex Hare

Shipwrecks and marshes

Event info

A hybrid online / on-location workshop for 6 participants led by Alex Hare.  Tickets will go on sale on 15 April. 

JMW Turner spent much time painting Kent’s maritime culture (the famous ‘Fighting Temeraire’ being just one example) and he famously remarked that Thanet ‘had the loveliest skies in all of Europe.’ With Turner’s beautiful words (and work) in mind, it also makes for a perfect place for contemporary outdoor photography.

This workshop will explore the fascinating seascapes, shipwrecks and marshland on the River Medway, the Isle of Sheppey and the north Kent Coast.

Your tutor, local landscape pro Alex Hare, is the author of forthcoming Fotovue title ‘Photographing Kent’ and he will present a full itinerary for you of all the highlights he has discovered in this area together with references to Turner’s work.

Alex will focus on identifying the locations of various shipwrecks and planning when to be there at the best time, exploring the lesser known north Kent marshes and water pools and the seascapes from the Isle of Sheppey.

With information on parking details, local amenities and photography planning logistics, this work shop will enable you to plan and explore some new landscapes with Turner’s work to aid your ideas and inspiration.

Following the workshops, Alex will be available for one-to-one tuition on any aspect of fine art photography at an additional cost. Times and dates to be arranged individually.


Ticket prices for this event include a £2 carbon offsetting charge.  For more information click here.


Your data

Please note: your personal data (name, email address and telephone number) that you supply when booking an event will be passed to the event / workshop leader in order to enable them to:

  • contact you in advance of the event to remind you or notify you of joining instructions (or changes thereto) etc.
  • contact you at short notice before or during an event in case of any emergency or last-minute changes (eg because of weather).

By booking this event you are deemed to consent to this transfer of your data.


Event Organiser

Mark Reeves


Cancellation policy

Cancellation by You

If you wish to cancel your booking PLEASE let the event leader / organiser know with as much notice as possible. If nothing else, this can avoid them delaying the start of the event while they wait for you.

If you have paid for an event, please note that this fee/ticket price is non-refundable unless we are able to sell your place to somebody else. You are welcome to sell your place yourself but, again, PLEASE notify the event leader / organiser in advance of any change.

Cancellation by us

Event leaders are asked to make plans for alternative activities or locations in the case of poor weather and, in most cases, events will proceed despite poor weather unless, in the view of the event leader, the weather will lead to unacceptable safety risks or very little chance of successful photography. It is inevitable, however, that occasionally an event will be postponed or cancelled for this or another reason beyond the RPS’s control. If an event is postponed we will transfer your booking to the rearranged event, with the option of a refund if the rescheduled date is not suitable for you.

Occasionally an event may also be cancelled owing to lack of bookings. So if you wish to attend an event, don’t leave it till the last minute to book as it may be too late.

If an event is cancelled we will give you as much notice as we are able and any payment by you to the RPS in respect of the event offered as a full refund. In the case of events cancelled because of lack of interest we will aim to give at least three weeks’ notice wherever possible.

Please note we are NOT able to refund any associated or consequential costs including but not limited to travel, accommodation, insurance premium or other costs incurred by you in order to attend the event.



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