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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Travel to the top of Diablak (Babia mountain) by Lukasz Klejnberg
CREDIT: Lukasz Klejnberg

Social Media

Keep up-to-date and share your work, tips or news with other analogue members by joining our social media channels


Join our Facebook group where you can share your work, queries or experiments with other analogue enthusiasts, share tips, ask for advice or contribute news. The group os also frequently updated with links to the news, events or Analogue Group information.

Group Rules

  • Images posted should have used a photographic analogue process at some point in the production of the final image. This can include hybrid techniques combining analogue and digital technologies.
  • If you are planning to post more than 5 images at a time, please consider adding them to an album or they maybe deleted.
  • The copyright of any images posted should belong to the Group member, or clearly allow the image to be in the public domain.
  • Facebook and RPS rules apply in this group, and whichever are more restrictive shall apply. For example, whilst the RPS recognises nude photography, Facebook rules are much more restrictive: we ask that you do not post any images that are deemed to be revealing or contain elements of nudity.
  • If you are looking for a critique for an image, please state this in your message. Please do not offer unsolicited critiques.
  • Please be respectful towards each other. When posting or commenting, please avoid being colourful in your comments (e.g. 'You should give up photography', etc), otherwise your post or comment will be removed.



Have your projects, books, exhibitions, bodies of work etc showcased on the RPS Analogue Instagram page where updates concerning the group, the journal and industry news are also posted. Tag your analogue images for consideration.


  • Images tagged for feature should have used a photographic analogue process at some point in the production of the final image. This can include hybrid techniques combining analogue and digital technologies.

  • The copyright of any images posted should belong to the group member, or clearly allow the image to be in the public domain.

  • Instagram and RPS rules apply in this group, and whichever are more restrictive shall apply. For example, whilst the RPS recognises nude photography, Instagram rules are much more restrictive: we ask that you do not post any images that are deemed to be revealing or contain elements of nudity.

  • If you are looking for a critique for an image, please state this in your message. Please do not offer unsolicited critiques.

  • Please be respectful towards each other. When posting or commenting, please avoid being colourful in your comments (e.g. 'You should give up photography', etc), otherwise your post or comment will be removed.