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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 


About The Group

Always look at Event's listings for current events which may include:

Meetings, Field Trip and Events. While these all but stopped over the last two years due to the covid pandemic,  it is hoped that we will begin to reintroduce small local events across the country.  As our membership is spread not only nationally but internationally, it is not practial to hold field trips for the whole membership in one event.  We therefore encourage our members to suggest photo days in their area that they can play host to other members who live in the same area.

Heritage Photography Journal. Please read here all about our journal which is regularly sent to Group members.

Our Annual General Meeting takes place in March, and is now held online to enable more of the membership to attend and contribute. This years AGM is being held slightly later than planned, and is on the 13th April - register to attend online here

RPS Members who may wish to join The Group do this after logging on to the RPS web site, via the My RPS and My Account tabs and select appropriate options. The Group annual subscription is £15.00 in addition to the normal RPS subscription.

Facebook. Members are also invited to join our Facebook Page. See here

The Group Committee

Heather Laurence PhD - Chair

Contact our Chair - email

Amanda Miller LRPS CPAGB - Secretary

Contact our Secretary - email

David Bryson FRPS - Heritage Photography Editor

Contact our Journal Editor email

Shaun Parkes
Shaun Parkes LDPS - Military Heritage Liaison

Contact our Military Liaison - email 

Jim Souper ARPS - Web Editor

Contact our Web Editor - email

Our Plan