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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

5 Of 5 But Whos Colonising Who Now
CREDIT: Mark Farrington LRPS

We are here because you were there

The latest virtual exhibition by the East Anglia group is available to view on Artsteps here:

RPS CG We Are Here Ashley (5 Of 6)
CREDIT: Paul Ashley ARPS

As with previous incarnations the preferred and optimised platform to view this on is a handheld device such as a tablet or phone.

Savage Bench

The exhibition "We are here because you were there" is interpreted by members of the RPS East Anglia Contemporary Group

The phrase was used by the Shadow Foreign Secretary in Parliament but is in fact from the title of a book by Ian Sanjay Patel on Immigration and the End of Empire.

160908 3918
CREDIT: Keith Locke ARPS

Group Members are:
Paul Ashley ARPS
Barry Babcock ARPS
Mark Farrington LRPS
Keith Locke ARPS
Tom Owens ARPS
Jonathan Williams

Barry Badcock ARPS The Burger Van And The Social Club 2
CREDIT: Barry Babcock ARPS
CREDIT: Jonathan Williams

A higher resolution view of the project is available in this PDF We Are Here.