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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Tony Bramley FRPS

Tony received the Bill Wisden MBE HonFRPS Fellowship of the Year Award for his work in blending Suprematism with photography from The Royal Photographic Society.  This is a subset of Tony Bramley's FRPS panel.

Suprematism was a highly geometric style of early 20th-century non-objective abstract painting, ignoring the familiar appearance of objects, developed by Russian avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich (1879-1935).

Abstracted from a single photograph, in purest form, images are very geometric, against a white background, disclosing shape, line, colour & space, producing energy and dynamics. A new, unique composition, that transcends photography is formed.

See more at Tony's website:

Suprematism Composition No78 Galleryjpg
CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
Suprematism Composition No79 Galleryjpg
CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS
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CREDIT: Tony Bramley FRPS