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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Blossom Tree
CREDIT: Carolyn Newton LRPS

Members' Exhibition 2021

Creative Eye Group


Roger Ford FRPS EFIAP/g was this year's selector for the Creative Eye Group's annual members' exhibition. Congratulations to the following photographers who achieved commendations, and to Roger Dixey for winning Gold and two commendations:

Roger Dixey ARPS Life In Lockdown - Gold

Pat Frewin LRPS Tranquility - Highly Commended

Neil Scott FRPS The Guardian - Highly Commended

Richard Luxton ARPS Drowning in a Whirlpool of Colour - Highly Commended

Reg Clark LRPS Dance Macabre - Commended

David Ashfield LRPS Domination - Commended

Roger Dixey ARPS The Watchers - Commended

Roger Dixey ARPS The Forbidden Castle - Commended

Life In Lockdown - Gold
CREDIT: Roger Dixey ARPS

Roger Dixey ARPS Life In Lockdown - GOLD

Tranquility - Highly Commended

Pat Frewin LRPS Tranquility - Highly Commended

The Guardian - Highly Commended

Neil Scott FRPS The Guardian - Highly Commended

Drowning In A Whirlpool Of Colour - Highly Commended
CREDIT: Richard Luxton ARPS

Richard Luxton ARPS Drowning in a Whirlpool of Colour - Commended

Dance Macabre - Commended

Reg Clark LRPS Dance Macabre - Commended

Domination - Commended
CREDIT: David Ashfield LRPS

David Ashfield LRPS Domination - Commended

The Watchers - Commended
CREDIT: Roger Dixey ARPS

Roger Dixey ARPS The Watchers - Commended

The Forbidden Castle - Highly Commended
CREDIT: Roger Dixey ARPS

Roger Dixey ARPS The Forbidden Castle - Commended