We are excited to announce a new initiative, a ‘New Project’, and a ‘New Chapter’ in the ‘Books and Zines’ project, ‘Handmade Books’ While we are still finalising details with presenters and setting dates, I can confirm that Alex Hare and Lizzie Shepherd will lead a three-part series focused on handmade book creation, titled, ‘Making a Handmade Book’ which will consist of a three workshops, and will include three additional sessions for participants to ask questions, revisit techniques, and resolve any challenges encountered during the process. The workshops will run from May to July and are designed for beginners, with plans to introduce more advanced techniques in September and into the Autumn. We will update you in the New Year.
The Books & Zines Project 2025
Our Books and Zines project participants have formed two e-Circles to allow them to go on discussing their projects. Groups will meet on Zoom (frequency to be decided, but less frequently than monthly), to discuss their work.
Participants are welcome to discuss printed books, electronic books, or handmade books.
One group meets on Tuesdays at 17.30 (UK time), and one on Wednesdays at 14.00.
There are a couple of places available and any DI members interested in photo books would be welcome.
Anyone interested should contact DIcircles@rps.org
Another addition is that we have created a dedicated section on the DI Website where you can view some of the books produced through this project. You also have the opportunity to purchase these books by contacting the photographer directly; their contact details are provided on this site.
Resources from the Books and Zines Project 2024
These resources are available to all those who signed up to this Project in 2024, the hidden link would have been emailed to you in December '24. If you didn't save the link or have lost it please contact digworkshops@rps.org for a replacement.