3095357 David Pringle Dunstanburgh Castle
CREDIT: David Pringle

What We Do

RPS Landscape Group

Taking Part

We aim to support our members in developing their skills in creating landscape imagery, whether this is with a traditional or a more contemporary approach. To this end we offer the following benefits

3Rd Place Icy Fingers By Peter Stott ARPS
CREDIT: Peter Stott ARPS

Join an RPS Landscape Circles


There are three circle groups running for Landscape Group Members: Processing, Print and Critique Circles.  Each group meets over Zoom or discusses images by email. Group size varies from 6 to 10 members. To join a circle, email the RPS Landscape Group Circles Co-ordinator David Travis ARPS at landscapecircle@rps.org. In your email, please say which type of circle you would like to join.

Find out more here
3379851 David Griffiths Aberffraw Sunrise Anglesey
CREDIT: David Griffiths

Newsletter & Magazine

Members are encouraged to submit articles and images for publication in the group's Newsletter and printed magazine.

If you have an idea for an article for the Newsletter, please send a brief synopsis of the purpose and content of the piece. Please submit your images as jpeg attachments, sized to 72 dpi with 1200 pixels along the longest edge and borderless. Please send submissions to landscapenews@rps.org.

Those wishing to contribute to the print magazine should contact the editor, Candia Peterson ARPS, at landscapemagazine@rps.org


Go to Publications


3360720 Mark Hetherington Eden Valley Lone Tree Sunset
CREDIT: Mark Hetherington

Social Media

Join us - the group on Facebook and Instagram.

Our Facebook page is a private group, for RPS Landscape Group members only, aimed at providing a platform for constructive criticism and feedback for members' images.

You can link to the page here.

Instagram users can follow the group's account, @rpslandscape. Members can add the hashtag #rpslandscape when they post a landscape image to their own Instagram feed and a selection will be reposted from the group's account.

Our Instagram feed can be viewed here


3404724 Dave Lynch The Beach Hut
CREDIT: Dave Lynch


The group runs a rich programme of both professional workshops and member-led events. Our professional workshops include a mixture of location-based instruction and post-processing tuition.

If you have a good knowledge of an area, and would like to run a member-led event, Howard will be happy to help you to put your event together and publish it on our web pages.

Please contact our member-led events manager, Howard Klein, landscapeexhibitionmemberevents@rps.org.


You can view and book all the Landscape Group's Member-led and Pro events here



We aim to support our members in developing their skills in creating landscape imagery, whether this is with a traditional or a more contemporary approach. To this end we offer the following benefits:

  1. Professionally led workshops on a variety of topics
  2. Member led field trips to locations across the UK
  3. A regular eNewsletter
  4. A print magazine every 8 months
  5. Landscape Photography Competitions
  6. Print and eCritique circles
  7. Processing circles
  8. A members only Facebook page
  9. An Instagram feed
  10. A biennial AGM and conference weekend featuring speakers, workshops and sharing work