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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 


The Medical Group

A Group to promote the use of Photography in all aspects of Medicine

About the Medical Group


The Medical Group is a long established Special Interest Group of the Royal Photographic Society.  In 1946 F. J. Tritton was The Society President who called a meeting at the request of a Mrs Maingot on "account of her interest in the subject of Medical Photography".  The record shows "A meeting of the members of The Society was held at 16 Princess Gate, London, SW7, on Monday, April 1st, 1946 at 6:30pm to discuss the formation of a Medical Group. The meeting having decided to form a Medical Group, Surgeon Rear Admiral C P G Wakeley was elected Chairman". It had been proposed by Dr Mandiwall and seconded by B R Billings that a Medical Group of The Society should be formed.

The Medical Group has come a long way. It has an illustrious history of meetings of medical photographers, joint conferences with the Imaging Science Group on Medical and Forensic Imaging and collaborating series of lectures with the Institute of Medical Illustrators.  Today, it promotes the use and advancement of imaging in all branches of medical and allied sciences to support medical developments, patient-care, medical education, research and publications. With a full committee now on board the Group intends to organise a comprehensive programme of events to keep abreast of the current trends in the accelerated development of technological changes to meet the needs and applications of photography in medicine and bio-medical sciences.

Membership of the Group is open to all RPS members, professional and amateur, experienced specialists and beginners. A one-day Spring conference is aimed to be a regular feature of the Group programmes. We also hope to launch an exhibition of Photography in Medicine and Life Sciences at some point which will give members an opportunity to display and promote interest in their work. The Group is a key participant in the organisation of the award of The Combined Royal Colleges Medal, established by The Society in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, that is awarded for an outstanding contribution to photography and/or its application in the service of medicine and surgery.  This is an internationally-recognised prestigious medal which is awarded annually and invites the recipients to provide distinguished lectures.

The Medical Group is always open to suggestions by its members for future events, so please contact us with any ideas you may have.

Contact the Group Chair

Dr Douglas Anderson2

Combined Royal Colleges Lecture: Viewing the retina at Optos plc

This year’s Combined Royal Colleges Lecture will be given by Dr Douglas Anderson OBE, who received the Combined Royal Colleges Medal in 2021.  The lecture will be delivered via zoom.  Please contact Jo Macdonald if you have any queries.

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CRC Pic1
CREDIT: Medical Illustration Department, Royal London Hospital

Awards history

We are currently working on a history of the Awards and new features will be added below as they are created. 

The first medal to be awarded was the Progress medal in 1878. 

Combined Royal Colleges Medal - history and nominations

CREDIT: Dr Kaushik Ghosh GIS ARPS
Medical Group News

Find all the latest News and past articles for the medical Group.