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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

RPS Auditorium
CREDIT: Rebecca Faith

AGM 2020

Hope to see you all there

It is AGM time again. The next edition of the RPS Journal should be dropping through letterboxes sometime soon with the formal announcement. The AGM itself will be held on 26 September 2020 at 1000 GMT. You will find further details here.

Like our recent EGM we will be holding this online. We have guidance from our regulating body, The Charity Commission that this is a commensurate response to the pandemic which can be found here.

I see an online event as having advantages that actually outweigh the disadvantages. We can be so much more inclusive - participation is irrespective of geographic location, ability to travel or to enter a crowded room.  We have equality of participation, irrespective of homes in Bristol or Brisbane. And I do look forward to participation from Australia at this AGM!

The disadvantage is that we will not be able to get together at RPS House and chat about photography. And this year the Auditorium will be empty on AGM day. So in advance, here is how the (virtual) AGM will look this year.

I am planning to return to the tradition of delivering a President’s address at the AGM. I do hope that you will join us for the event. Before the pandemic struck I had promised to be out and about to meet as many of you as I could. I am missing this opportunity but have probably “met” many more online. Hopefully we will be able to establish a new normal soon.