The Beatles in EMI Studios 1964
CREDIT: David Hurn Hon FRPS

Giants of Photography - David Hurn HonFRPS

Telling us things as they are

Out and about again, this time to an event with the South Wales region, attending an event showcasing the key decisions of Magnum photographer David Hurn HonFRPS. He portrayed himself of a photographer who talks of ideas but it was much more a story of a storyteller. And he story was showing things as they are, recorded through "a box with a hole in the front".

Each of his images was brought to life, illustrating an emotional connection and involvement. He stood out as a giant of his craft, both as a photographer and a storyteller.

His presentation and question and answer session was followed by a talk from the Magnum photographer cooperative. They have borne witness to momentous events over their history and it served as a lesson that at this time we need objective photojournalism more than ever before, telling things as they actually are.

The final talk was from the National Museum of Wales and reminded us of the need for permanence of our photographic legacy and storytelling. We all have our part to play as custodians of this. I was particularly taken by the projects they run with students on the interpretation of this legacy.

One of the messages from David Hurn was to "Do it well". Between the South Wales region and the School of Journalism, Media and Culture this event lived up to this. They did it well.

And for me another opportunity to get out and meet with fellow members. Off to a SE Region event tomorrow - see you around.