Halloween Moon

Nature Group AGM

Initiatives to attract young members

Some time back I had received an invitation to attend the Nature Group AGM and meet some of the membership in person. Circumstances intervened and the Group held their AGM on line as part of their Chairman's day, an inclusive event laid freely open to members and non members alike. And a fascinating day it was too from many aspects. But here I want to pick out one common theme; a focus on the contribution from young people.

The first of the presentations was from Dr Daniel Hayhow, an environmental scientist at Earthwatch Europe. Daniel led the development of the State of Nature 2019 Reports. Previous iterations had a forward written by David Attenborough but for this volume they moved to a series of short pieces written by young conservationists with diverse stories.

The second contribution came in the Nature Group AGM where they discussed a Young photographers category as a new part of the Nature Group exhibition. Open to non-members, digital only, smartphone images accepted too. The RPS can be proud of initiatives such as this.

And so to the image. This event took place on Halloween, an unnatural day for a Nature event. By a statistical chance it was also a full moon so at moonrise I went out to look for werewolves. Fortunately, none in sight!

Nikon D750 set to ISO 200, 300mm Nikkor manual lens at f/4.5 for a 1/80 second exposure.