The Contemporary Group features in a news article on the RPS in Source magazine this week: Source, Issue 114, Spring, 2024.
In the article, titled "RPS Tightening Belt", Josh Allen talks about the current financial difficulties within the RPS and the work of our CEO Dan Jones to restructure the organisation, manage its costs and revitalise membership.

The article talks about the birth of the Contemporary Group within the RPS in the late 1980s, citing this group as evidence of RPS success coming from its ability to adapt to the changing needs of the UK photographic community. The Source article perhaps misses some of the nuance in our use of the word "contemporary" vs "modern" but it is clear that our emphasis is more on the art rather than the technology, see Understanding Contemporary Photography.
It is notable that our group is very active in attempting to meet not only the needs of the UK photographic community, through its main and regional group meetings (often 3+ events per month that members can join), it has great outreach beyond the shores of the UK with Zoom meetings being attended by folk from across Europe, the Middle East, Australia and the USA. The Contemporary Group membership offer is strong. We're also actively pursuing our previous CEO Evan Dawson's "photography for all" agenda by developing grass roots interest in contemporary photography - output from our Photographic Bursary for Rural Schools project will be published and exhibited this summer.

Source is a quarterly photography magazine, available in print and as a digital edition, publishing emerging photographic work and engaging with the latest in contemporary photography through news, features and reviews of the latest exhibitions and books from Ireland and the UK.