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Two AM And All Is Well By Peter Benson
CREDIT: Peter Benson

RPS Landscape Group Monthly Competition May 2021

An online Photography competition for RPS Landscape Group Members.

Winners Announcement

Members submitted another stunning collection of images to the Landscape Group competition between the 1st and the 23rd of May 2021.   

1st Place

Two AM And All Is Well By Peter Benson

I’m mainly an Urban Nightscape photographer and have been doing this since early 2014. I often return to the same area along the banks of the Thames in London, which was the case when I took this image back in March 2016. The reason I return to the same places is that I can come back with different images of the same subject matter as I have found that the height of tides and clouds has an effect on the ambient light reflecting down off the clouds or up from the river surface and plays a part in making the image different.

The image was taken from London Bridge around 2 AM in March of that year and is of HMS Belfast, which is one of the museums of the Imperial War Museum. When I first arrived in the area that night in 2016 the top part of the Shard was covered in fog and every now and then the top could be seen for a short while before it disappeared. This continued into the early hours of the morning. Had I looked at the weather forecast that day for London and it said foggy/misty for the City of London I might have not gone.  The lesson for me was deal with whatever weather you have been given, good, bad and the bit in between and make the best of it. For me this image is a great reminder of that. This and a good few more images after would not have been taken if I had stayed at home and I would have missed some great opportunities.

View more of Peter Benson's photography

Comments made by RPS Landscape Members when voting for Peter's image

  • Evocative

  • Pleasing image,  good composition and long exposure is well executed 

  • Beautiful light, and really different approach to a landscape.  I loved the watercolour feel to the image too.

  • So different to other submissions

  • Misty atmosphere, overall colour, perfect exposure, the reflections

  • Such an unusual sight and it conveys a real sense of a calm, misty night on the Thames.

  • I really enjoyed this composition and ethereal night shot. The reflections added a soft colour palette to the image.

  • An unusual view of a very familiar subject

  • I would put this on my wall.  Exposure and focus spot on. Would have liked to see more of the reflections but only a minor point.


2nd Place

Little Dancing Tree By Hilary Bailey 

Comment made by members when voting for Hilary's image

  • Lovely, muted tones and sense of mystery.
  • Interesting subject and beautifully processed.
  • Very atmospheric and fairy-tale like. The beautiful subtle use of colour makes it seem as if it has been photographed underwater. Special place. I am immediately drawn inside. The damp landscape is tangible.
  • Beautifully constructed image, full of impact.
  • The Little Dancing Tree image is distinguished by its muted colour scheme, and when combined with the mistiness into the distance giving depth, provides a sense of atmosphere.


Joint 3rd Place

West Woods By Paul Mitchell


View more of Paul Mitchells's photography and on Instagram 

Comments made by RPS Landscape Members when voting for Paul's image

  • I love the way the light has been caught through the trees and bluebells. Well Caught!
  • Great light, soft muted colours which makes a serene image of calmness which I enjoy. Tim Hodges
  • West Woods - It stood out 
  • Lovely morning light and three dimensional effect on leaves .
  • The cool blues of the foreground bluebells set against the warm backlighting to the trees with the backlit foliage 'dancing' through the image makes this a very pleasing photograph.
  • Excellent lighting and composition
  • I like the symmetry, balance and light in this shot. The foreground/background ratio is perfect for me and the light on the trees is sublime. 


Joint 3rd Place

Sacrista Beach, Lewis & Harris By Mike Lloyd 

View more of Mike Lloyd's photography and on Instagram 

Comments made by RPS Landscape Members when voting for Mike's image

  • I am attracted to the place and this photograph captures the essence and feel of the place well with lovely colours and uncluttered composition.
  • The low angle and composition lead the eye through the image. Great contrast in textures all within a muted moody colour palette
  • A beautifully composed shot that manages to be complex and simple at the same time.
  • Stunning foreground with a wonderful s-bend winding into the image. Good use of slowish shutter speed to create an interesting pattern in the foreground water. If nit picking, I would like to see a bit more of the sky to allow inclusion of all the cloud tops. Jon Martin
  • Leads you through the stillness of the river to the turbulence of the sky
  • Makes me want to be standing there …
  • Wonderful Composition
  • Really well composed and balanced with a slow shutter speed for the sea
  • I immediately picked this out due to the wonderful s-shape leading the eye into the frame. Lovely long exposure effect on the water in the foreground channel, which is well lit against the dark back ground mountains.  Roger Creber
  • Great choice of shutter speed in the image of Scarista Beach, Lewis and Harris, where we can see the flow of water with a hint of movement and the s curve leading us through the image to the incoming waves and dark foreboding hills in the distance - Paul Burwood
  • I enjoyed the strength of the foreground and use of sweeping curves to take you through the image.
  • Reflects the importance to me of calm tranquility whilst remembering that life, like the water, continues to flow and change.


How the competition works

  • Landscape Members email their image.
  • Images are displayed on RPS Landscape group’s website.
  • In the last week of the month, Members are sent a link to a voting form and invited to vote for their favourite 3 images.
  • The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are announced on the 1st of the month and can be seen on the Landscape Group competition web page.
  • The Prize - the 1st place winner will get to choose one of fotoVUE's photo-location guidebooks.
  • At the end of year all 1st place images will be entered into a further round in the competition and Landscape photographer, Thomas Heaton will select an overall  winner for 2021!

Full instructions can be found on the RPS Landscape Group website.

Look out on the RPS Landscape Group Facebook page for updates.

Landscape Group Events can be found here