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June 2023 WIP We Are Mag

WE ARE - The RPS Women in Photography Magazine

June 2023

WE ARE - The RPS Women in Photography Magazine, June 2023

From the Women in Photography Group Welcome to the June 2023 issue of WE ARE Magazine. I’d like to begin by thanking all of the Women in Photography members who entered our June Covers Competition to have their images featured on our covers this issue. Congratulations to Linda Wride whose image Muralla Roja was chosen for the front cover and to Debbie Todd whose image Tilly Keep Your Hands To Yourself features on our back cover. For the competition, we asked our members to shortlist ten images by voting and then the magazine team chose the final two. To celebrate those who were shortlisted, we are pleased to include those images on pages 5 and 27.

This is such an exciting special interest group within the RPS. With more than 50% growth in membership since this time last year, we are one of the fastest growing groups in the society. There have always been women in the RPS going back to the early days including the renowned British photographer Julia Margaret Cameron. Women photographers are key to the ongoing success of the RPS and we’d like to thank all of our members who have been with the RPS and joined our group as well as those photographers who have joined the RPS just so they could become a WIP member. It’s important that we continue to focus on female and female identifying photographers if we’re going to gain gender parity in this industry. Thank you to everyone who supports us in the work that we do. I hope that you enjoy the articles in this issue.

Please do get in touch if you have any recommendations for articles for future issues by emailing me at

All the best,

Chair, RPS Women in Photography

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