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‘Punch And Judy’ By Hilary Roberts FRPS

RPS celebrates 100th issue of DIGIT – and a digital journey

Hilary Roberts FRPS remembers contributing to the magazine’s first edition – and shares her story behind the latest cover image

‘Punch and Judy’ by Hilary Roberts FRPS is the cover image for the 100th edition of DIGIT magazine

In 1996, digital technology was transforming the world of image-making. It was also inspiring a dedicated group of RPS members keen to harness its creative potential.

The RPS Digital Imaging Group (DIG) was formed that year by a small, enthusiastic band of ‘early adopters’ who shared information and ideas on digital cameras when there was little resource to guide them. Soon after, the group launched the magazine DIGIT to showcase members’ work – and discuss how this technological revolution was affecting the photography world.  

Now, to celebrate the 100th issue of DIGIT, the group has made the magazine’s archive available to the public for the first time. Included is the latest issue, DIGIT 100, a special edition with a cover story by Hilary Roberts FRPS, whose work featured in the first issue.

Speaking about her image ‘Punch and Judy’, which graces the cover of DIGIT 100, Roberts says, “It was in 2011 and we were on holiday in Weymouth with my daughter, her husband and the grandchildren, six-year-old Sophie and eight-year-old Sam. They are not in the picture, presumably because they had found something more interesting to do.

“There was no sign of activity from Punch and Judy – I put them in. At the time, in their place was a clock showing that the next show would be at 2pm. As the photo was taken at 1.15pm I’m surprised that all these small children were apparently happy to wait three-quarters of an hour for the fun to start.”

Roberts, who gained her Fellowship in 1997, describes herself now as “more of an image-maker than a photographer”, adding, “The sole purpose of my pictures is to give people pleasure.”

“When I wrote a piece for the first edition of DIGIT, 27 years ago, the words ‘Photoshop’ and ‘digital imaging’ were terms of disdain and disapproval for many stalwarts of photographic societies around the country,” she recalls in DIGIT 100. “‘Cheating!’ was the comment most often heard, and many top club photographers vowed they would never abandon film.

“But for me, although it was seriously stressful learning how to use it, this whole wonderful new world … was a revelation and an amazing, electrifying liberation.”

Here, Roberts shares a selection of digital images from across her photographic journey.

Discover the archive of DIGIT magazine and find out more about the RPS Digital Imaging Group

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