Rebecca Faith Photo 1037
CREDIT: Rebecca Faith Photo

Observe an Assessment Day

Book to watch an Assessment...Live

Available attendance options 

In Person

We're very happy to be able to invite you back to RPS House to observe the assessment taking place in person. To book, please email and include:
1. Your name 
2. Date of assessment 
3. How many spaces you wish to book.

Please note: the Distinctions team are available Mon - Fri | 9am - 5pm

By joining an assessment online you agree to the Distinctions Observer terms & conditions

Via Zoom

If you're unable to attend the assessment in person then don't worry. We're continuing to Live Stream the assessment via Zoom. Links become available below roughly 20 days prior to the assessment date.


By joining an assessment online you agree to the Distinctions Observer terms & conditions

Upcoming Assessments

March 5th

Level: Associate & Fellowship
Formats being Assessed: Prints & Digital
Start Time: 10:00am GMT
Date: Mar 05, 2025

Meeting ID: 839 6317 8159
Passcode: DIST2025

What to expect on the day

This is a great opportunity to see the assessment process, and how we assess submissions to the published criteria.  

Once you join via zoom you will go into the waiting room.

We aim to start all assessments at 10:00 (unless stated otherwise) with a short introduction by the Distinctions team and Chair of the panel.  

Lunch break will be around 13:00 lasting roughly 45 mins. At 13:45 we will continue until we finish at approximately 16:30.
Please note: finishing times may vary regarding the number of submissions received.  

During the assessments we will take a couple of short 10/15 min comfort breaks. We will announce these when necessary and provide a time to reconvene.