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Davies_Lottie_Experiment #4
CREDIT: Lottie Davies

IPE 164 Shortlist Announcement

314 photographers from 47 countries

The exhibition selection process for the International Photography Exhibition 164 is underway and our guest panel have shortlisted anonymously 314 photographers from 48 countries. Congratulations to everyone who has made the list. These photographers are submitting prints ready for the exhibition print selection in September. Join us as we celebrate the photographers below who have been shortlisted from 4000 entries and wish them luck for the final selection.

IPE 164 HomeNewsletter Sign Up | Image gallery

Bobb_Kelly-Ann _Sacred Bodies
CREDIT: Kelly-Ann Bobb

Khaled Abdallah - Egypt

Aderopo Afolabi - UK

Amal Aglan - Egypt

Fahad Ahmed - Bangladesh

Mustafa Ali - Egypt

Khourie Allen - UK

Jasmine Allen - UK

Jocelyn Allen - UK

Bright Andoh - Ghana

Meredith Andrews - Bermuda

Leia Ankers - UK

Jade Annest - France

Jahid Alam Apu - Bangladesh

Frederic Aranda - UK

Charles Ashton - UK

Saleh Mohammad Asif - Bangladesh

Zachary Augustine - United States

Francis Augusto - UK

Gabrielle Avancini - UK


Ferguson_Max_From Whistling for Owls
CREDIT: Max Ferguson

Peter Baker - UK

Christopher Baker - UK

Shane Balkowitsch - United States

Rosie Barnes - UK

Lily Barton - UK

Hannah Bartos - UK

Jodie Bateman - UK

Laurie Beck Peterson - United States

Guy Bellingham - UK

Megan Bendall - UK

Swen Bernitz - Germany

Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharyya - India

Himadri Bhuyan - India

Esteban Biba - Guatemala

Oscar Blair - UK

Megan  Blake - UK

Kelly-Ann Bobb - Trinidad and Tobago

Emma Boittiaux - UK

Harry Borden - UK

Patricia Borges - Brazil

Clare Bottomley - Finland

Bill Brooks - UK

Elizabeth Brown - UK

Robert Browne - UK

Lewis Bush - UK

Michael Butt - UK

Charalampidis and Chairetaki_Panos and Mary_Mother_s world
CREDIT: Panos Charalampidis and Mary Chairetaki

Tracy Calder - UK

Peter Iain Campbell - UK

Violeta  Capasso - Argentina

Carlotta Cardana - UK

Rayna Carruthers - UK

Su Cassiano - Australia

Alessandro Castellani - UK

Shihyu Chang - United States

Panos Charalampidis and Mary Chairetaki - Greece

Laura Chen - UK

Qingyang Chen - China

Ting Ting Chen - Canada

Diana Cheren Nygren - United States

Shaista  Chishty - UK

Richard Chivers - UK

John Clare - UK

Carly Clarke - UK

Philip Coburn - UK

Emma Collins - UK

Francesco Colonna - UK

Nicholas Constant - UK

Sofia Conti - UK

Elizabeth Cowle - Singapore

Fergus Coyle - UK

Austin Cullen - United States

Alex Currie - UK

Tomlinson_Alys_Merdules, Ottana, Sardinia
CREDIT: Alys Tomlinson

Wendy G Davies - UK

Lottie Davies - UK

Camila De Melo - Brazil

William Debois - Australia

Allison DeBritz - United States

Taner Dikkaya - Germany

Jason Dimmock - UK

Alan Donaldson - UK

Christian Doyle - UK

Chris Drummond - UK

Thomas Dryden-Kelsey - UK

Monika Drzewicz - UK

Vincent Dupont-Blackshaw - UK

Natasha Durlacher - UK

Marko Dutka - UK

Eagle-Lippiatt_Mahtola_Mother, Hen
CREDIT: Mahtola Eagle-Lippiatt

Mahtola Eagle-Lippiatt - UK

Jillian Edelstein - UK

Sophie Ellen - UK

Sean Ellingson - United States

Josh Empson - UK

Jake Eshelman - United States

Veronica Ettedgui - Venezuela

Ingeborg Everaerd - Netherlands

Empson_Josh_Ellie, 2021
CREDIT: Josh Empson

Citlali Fabian - UK

Hossein Fardinfard - Netherlands

Diane Fenster - United States

Tori Ferenc - UK

Max Ferguson - UK         

Erica Ferraroni - Italy

Anna Laura Festa - UK              

Ian Flanders - UK             

Samuel Flanders - United States

Fenton Fleming - UK      

Joel Ford - UK   

Imogen Forte - UK           

Laura Foster - UK             

Julie Fowells - United States

Michaela Frances - UK  

Caroline Fraser  - UK      

Leslie Fratkin - United States

Laurie Freitag - United States

Jessica French - UK         

Steve Fuller - UK              

Julia Fullerton-Batten - UK

Davies_Lottie_Experiment #4
CREDIT: Lottie Davies

Yiannis Galanopoulos - United Arab Emirates

Spyros Gennatas - UK

Harry George Hall - UK

Akash Ghosh - India

Eloise Glanville - UK

David Gleave - UK

Neil Goodwin - UK

Christine Goodyear - Canada

Aurélien Goubau - Belgium

Terry Graham - UK

Louise Gray - UK

Charlotte Greenwood - UK

Anna Grevenitis - United States

Huseyin Guler - Turkey

Julia Gunther - Netherlands

Beihua Guo - United States

Aditi Gupta - India

Harrison_Mark_Miriam, the angel
CREDIT: Mark Harrison

Boihugo Han Zhang - China

Sara Hannant - UK

Mark Harrison - UK

Owen Harvey - UK

Mubashir Hassan - India

Olivia Hemingway - UK

Simon I Hill - UK

Ciara Hillyer - UK

Mark Hobbs - UK

Nick Hodgson - UK

Juliana Holck - United States

Seyed Ali Hoseinifar – Iran

Maddie Hughes - UK

Curtis Hughes - UK

Sukhy Hullait - UK

Nabeel Hussain - UK

Jeff Hutchinson - UK

Kitto_Nicholas_Highrise Tennis in Mongkok, Hong Kong
CREDIT: Nicholas Kitto

Kathryn Jago - UK

Christian Jago - UK

Rodrigo Jardon - Mexico

Florian Jayet - France

Ayesha Jones - UK

Michael Joseph - United States

Adrienn Józan - Hungary

Marcin T. Jozefiak - Korea

Neil Juggins - UK

CREDIT: Tommy Keith

Jonas Kako - Germany

George Kamelakis - Greece

Joanna Kearney - UK

Tommy Keith - Canada

Haider Khan - India

Lewis Khan - UK

Joachim Kiner - Germany

Sarah Louise Kinsella - Australia

Isaac Kirby - UK

Nicholas Kitto - Hong Kong

Mary Kocol - United States

Alexander Komenda - Finland

Georgia Kontodimou - Greece

Neil Kramer - United States

Hughes_Curtis_Peter _ Sue, Budapest
CREDIT: Curtis Hughes

Angela Lam - Hong Kong

Rory Langdon-Down - UK

Anton Roland Laub - Germany

Belinda Lawley - UK

Jimmy Lee - Hong Kong

Amit Lennon - UK

Mon Levchenkova - UK

Jenny Lewis - UK

Minxu Li - UK

Siqi Li - UK

Guangjian Li - China

Jason Lindsey- United States

Fedella Lizeth - United States

Helen Lloyd - UK

Pietro Lo Casto  - Thailand

Christy Lorio - United States

Valeria  Luongo - UK

Chrissy  Lush - United States

Jago_Christian_An Móinéar Ceo
CREDIT: Christian Jago

Gary Marshall - UK

Jose Manuel Martinez Lopez - Mexico

Rania Matar - United States

Jenny Matthews - UK

George Maund - UK

Maroussia Mbaye - Senegal

Frankie McAllister - UK

Lisa McCarty - United States

Andrew McLeish - France

George McLeod - UK

Carolyn Mendelsohn - UK

Marisol Mendez - Bolivia

Anna Menezes - Brazil

Karah Mew - UK

Max Miechowski - UK

Laurentina Miksiene - UK

Nieves Mingueza - UK

Carles Mitjà - Spain

Jackson Mnyamwezi - Kenya

Rahma  Mohamed - Egypt

Shona Morgan   - UK

Gabrielle Motola - UK

Aidan Murgatroyd - South Africa

Currie_Alex_Collapsing Cliff, Birling Gap, East Dean, East Sussex
CREDIT: Alex Currie

Leila Niknejad - UK

Rabikowska_Zula_Agata, b.1990 (she_her), Vilnius, Lithuania
CREDIT: Zula Rabikowska

Mark O'Halleron - UK

CREDIT: Aidan Murgatroyd

Mykhaylo Palinchak - Ukraine

Marco Pereira - UK

Gareth Phillips  - UK

Mark  Phillips  - UK

Matteo Piacenti - Italy

Chantal Pinzi - Germany

Allison Plass - United States

Leo Plunkett - UK

Tom Pope - UK

Mehmet Ali Poyraz - Turkey

Johannes Pretorius - UK

Yuan_Tianhu_Under Station
CREDIT: Tianhu Yuan

Paolo Quadrini - Italy


Round_Chris_Melting Tree
CREDIT: Chris Round

Zula Rabikowska - UK

Martin T Raggio - Germany

Hasan Rahmani - Iran

Maryam Rajabzadeh - Iran

Yunfei   Ren - United States

David Rippin - UK

Ben Roberts - Spain

Alex Robertson - UK

Leonard Vincent Rode - Sweden

Dawn Rodgers - UK

Daniel Rolider - Israel

Emilie Røndal Nielsen - Denmark

Chris Round - Australia

Šrámek_Rasťo_Cable car
CREDIT: Rasťo Šrámek

Patricio Saavedra - Chile

Alexej Sachov - Ukraine

Lee-Marie Sadek - France

Nadia Salsabila - Indonesia

Michelle Sank - UK

Boris Schmidt - Netherlands

Aindreas Scholz - UK

Sue Searle - UK

Anna Sellen - UK

Kathy Servian - New Zealand

Nathaniel Sesay - Sierra Leone

Sujata Setia - UK

Ali Sharifzade - Iran

Darren  Shepherd - UK

Leslie Sheryll - United States

Booker Skelding - UK

Jack Smethers - UK

Niamh Smith - Ireland

Jason Sofokleous - UK

Jinzi Song - China

Fazilat Soukhakian - United States

Lourdes Maria De Souza Salarini  - Brazil

Neil Spence - UK

Rasťo Šrámek - Switzerland

Nick St.Oegger  - UK

Ralph Steinegger - China

Sapphire Stewart - UK

Carol Storey - UK

Kiki Streitberger - UK

Chris Strickland - UK

Spiros Strogilis - Greece

Agata Szymanowicz - UK

Tigoglu_Gabriella_Grace, getting ready to swim in the Brighton sea, part one
CREDIT: Gabriella Tigoglu

Svetlana Talanova - UK

Hansa Tangmanpoowadol - Thailand

Mitsuko Taniguchi - Japan

Ryan Thomas - UK

 Yuxiao  Tian - UK

Frank V. Tielemans - Brazil

Gabriella Tigoglu - UK

Alys Tomlinson  - UK

Marcel Top - UK

Barbara Traver  - UK

Silvana  Trevale - UK

Ayush Krishna Tripathi - India

Claire Tupman - UK

Gregory Jophn Turner - UK

Aranda_Frederic_Malik Le Nost
CREDIT: Frederic Aranda

Leticia Valverdes - UK

Manuel Vason - UK

Nathan Vidler- UK

Coyle_Fergus_Aaron, having riden 300km overnight without sleep
CREDIT: Fergus Coyle

Honey J Walker - UK

Bertha Wang - Hong Kong

Alexander Ward - UK

Ed Watts - UK

Marie Wengler  - Denmark

Neil White - UK

Corinne Whitehouse - UK

Nesta Wigan - UK

Jon Williamson  - UK

Phillip Wills - UK

Andrea Wilmsen - Germany

Emma Wilson - UK

Hei Kong Draco Wong - Hong Kong

Natcha Wongchanglaw - United States

Elizabeth Woodger - UK

Mike Woodman - UK

Matthews_Jenny_Facial de-recognition. Afghan girls studying. Dedicated to teachers, pupils and students
CREDIT: Jenny Matthews

Nilupa Yasmin - UK

Will Young - UK

Tianhu Yuan - China


Gunther_Julia_Newlyweds Michelle and Barry de Boer sit for a wedding portrait on their wedding day
CREDIT: Julia Gunther

Akbar Zaheri - Iran

Lorenzo Zandri  - UK

Elizabeth Zeschin - UK

Frank Zhang - United States

Zhaohui Zhu - China

Kristina Zvinakeviciute- UK