Xenon 1T Enrico Sacchetti
CREDIT: Enrico Sacchetti

Resources and Inspiration

Teaching resources, interviews with previous entrants and suggested activities for younger photographers

Science Photographer of the Year celebrates the close connection between science and photography that has existed ever since photography was invented. Here you can find links to educational resources, you can listen to entrants and winners from previous competitions and you can look at ways in which you can photograph science at home.

Science is everywhere around us, all you need is an eye for a photograph and the means to capture it - be it on a smartphone, a camera or a piece of research equipment.

Robert Croft Alcatraz Ecoboat
CREDIT: Robert Croft

Science Photographer of the Year

The Science Photographer of the Year competition celebrates the remarkable stories behind scientific exploration and application, depicting its impact on our everyday lives and illustrating how photography helps record and explain global issues and scientific events. The competition is open to anyone, no matter their age, scientific knowledge or photographic experience. 

While entry to the competition is currently closed, explore this year's entries, and our collection of inspiring resources.

Learn more about the 2020 selected photographers below.

Any questions? Contact us at science@rps.org

2020 Winners
Four Candles By Andrew Davidhazy
CREDIT: Prof. Andrew Davidhazy

Teaching resources

These resources were designed in partnership with Photopedagogy for teachers and students at secondary level.  However they can be adapted to other age groups and work as inspiration for anyone wanting to start their own project.

Read more
Spherical Aberration By Richard Germain
CREDIT: Richard Germain

Interviews with past entrants

Listen to winners and entrants from previous competitions to discover the inspiration behind their images, why they entered and what having their work selected means to them.

Strawberry By Marta Garcia
CREDIT: Marta Garcia

Ideas for Young Photographers

Step by step guide on how young photographers can create beautiful images with everyday materials. Please do try this at home - but with supervision of course! 
