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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 


Other Opportunities


Not all our members are based in the UK. We also have members across the world. We call these chapters. If you live abroad and would like to join a chapter please email the volunteer team here.


Being on a Distinctions panel is a great honour, as you get to see bodies of work from all over the world, showing a huge variety of subject matter. Above all, it is a great opportunity to give something back to the Society and help people on their photographic journey.

Find out more about Distinctions

Meet the Volunteers


Meet Mary

Name: Mary P. Crowther ARPS

How long have you volunteered for the RPS?

Since January 2011

Volunteer Role:

Previously Regional Organiser Yorkshire, [2011 -2019]

Current roles - Yorkshire Regional Committee member, Standing Committee Co-Chair, Representative Committee Vice Chair, and RPS Education Committee.

What attracted you to volunteering for the RPS?

As a member of the Society felt I could contribute in some way to the region and society overall, especially at the time the region was in desperate need of volunteers to keep it active.

What do you enjoy most about the role?

Being part of something that is available for everyone; the society attracts people from all walks of life.

Helping and encouraging other photographers to achieve their goals.

What advice would you have for anyone who may be considering volunteering for the RPS?

Being involved often means you have the tools, resources and structure to be influential at various levels, be it development, educating through events, workshops, exhibitions and/or an influence in shaping policy and strategic plans of the society.

Think carefully why you want to volunteer and be realistic as to how much time you are prepared to give in any given role.



Meet Stewart

Name: Stewart Wall ARPS

Volunteer Role: RO East Midlands / Webmaster / Distinctions Panel Member

What attracted you to volunteering for the RPS? After a 35-year career as a professional photographer it was really attractive to become involved in an organisation like the RPS and discover a wider world of photography

What do you enjoy most about your role? Engaging with the RPS has led me to complete a BA and an MA in photography and now I am teaching. I enjoy aspects of education within photography and expanding this into my engagement with the RPS

What advice would you have for anyone who may be considering volunteering for the RPS?

* Have a go, you can always change your mind, so you have nothing to lose.

* Go slowly at first, learn about the RPS and what the organisation stands for.

* Consider your own approach to photography and slowly feed your own ideas into the groups you engage with and see how people engage with your ideas.

* Photography is a broad church, ultimately be democratic and adopt a participate in a pluralistic dialogue with others.

* Enjoy yourself!