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Joanna Kosinska 1 Cmofspfso Unsplash


This genre encompasses research in the art & science of photography

This genre encompasses research in the art & science of photography. It also looks at how photography is considered, how its history is recorded and preserved, how photography is taught and how it is understood in its own terms and as part of the wider culture.

Applications are usually of a written and predominantly scholarly nature. The following gives some examples of what the assessors would expect to see:

Research in all its aspects encompassing the arts & sciences of photography reflecting the mission statement of The Society.

Research on an individual photographer, school or genre.

Photographic education.

The conservation and restoration of photographs and photographic material.

New thinking about photography, photographic theory and culture.

Aspects of the history of photography.

Although applications should be scholarly they are not always expected to be of an academic nature. However, in order to give an example of the standards, a parallel has been drawn below, between academic qualifications and the RPS Research Distinctions, of Licentiate, Associate and Fellowship.


Dissertation for BA/BSc or equivalent.


Taught MA/MSc or equivalent; Research Masters inc MPhil.


Normally above the level of MPhil up to the level of a PhD.


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All submissions must be written in the English language. All of the submissions are reviewed and assessed using the following criteria


  • Clear and concise standard of writing.
  • A high standard of technical presentation.
  • Evidence of consideration of research methodologies and suitable research method(s).
  • Evidence of thorough research, appropriately referenced, to include a bibliography.
  • Awareness of relevant current theory and context for the work.
  • Developed, structured and coherent arguments.


  • Clear, focused, fluent and concise standard of writing appropriate to specialists and non-specialists in the field.
  • Evidence of the design of a research methodology.
  • Application of appropriate research method(s).
  • Understanding of relevant current theory and context; divergent points of view represented and evaluated.
  • Structured and coherent arguments demonstrating a clear point of view, supported by evidence contribution (some new knowledge or development of established knowledge) to the understanding of photography.


  • Clear, focused, fluent and concise standard of writing appropriate to specialists and non-specialists in the field.
  • Evidence of the design of an appropriate research methodology.
  • Application of efficient research method(s).
  • Evidence of thorough and wide ranging research.
  • Engaging with diverse sources and points of view.
  • Appropriately referenced, to include a bibliography.
  • Thorough understanding and evaluation of relevant current theory and context.
  • Showing a critical engagement with the subject.
  • Developed, structured and coherent arguments that are original and sustained throughout, supported by appropriate evidence.
  • Evidence of a distinctive element such as new knowledge, or the development of established knowledge.

Guidelines For Specific Types of Applications

An application may be submitted for a body of Research that already exists in the public domain e.g. a book, journal papers, published articles, or website.

In this case, a report should be submitted discussing the following: -

  • Purpose of the research
  • The current approaches and gaps in knowledge (literature review)
  • The aims and/or research questions
  • The methodology
  • The main findings
  • Conclusions
  • How the research contributes to new knowledge or the development of existing knowledge (Associate and Fellowship only)

The report should be a minimum of 2,000 words and be appropriately referenced and illustrated.

Applications that include publications, such as articles and journal papers, do not need to supply PDFs of all publications but should provide a list of publications, and select three publications to send in full as PDFs. For Fellowship the three selected publications must be peer-reviewed. The accompanying report should provide an overview of the research papers listed


An applicant with a successful MPhil in an appropriate topic from a recognised university need only submit a ca.500 abstract for the Associate distinction along with the name of the university and any collaborating institution, names of supervisors and names of external examiners. As most MPhil theses are now in the public domain, the link to that is advisory but will not be essential to the submission.

Applicants with a successful MPhil may also apply for a Fellowship, however, the complete MPhil thesis would need to be submitted for assessment.


An applicant with a successful PhD or equivalent in an appropriate topic from a recognised university need only submit a ca.500 abstract for a Fellowship along with the name of the university and any collaborating institution, names of supervisors and names of external examiners. As most PhD theses are now in the public domain, the link to that is advisory but will not be essential to the submission.

Direct Fellowship

In exceptional circumstances, an applicant for a Research Distinction may apply direct for Fellowship, without being an Associate of The Society. Applicants wishing to apply using this route must submit a proposal to the Distinctions Manager, who will then seek the opinion as to its suitability from the Research Chair. It is recommended, however, that applicants should become an Associate before applying for Fellowship.



Paul Colley FRPS: 09 July 2020 
In conversation with Stewart Wall ARPS.

Paul talks to Stewart Wall ARPS about his ground-breaking research Fellowship into how to photograph bats.

Paul also is the Author of Winning Images with Any Underwater Camera: The Essential Guide to Creating Engaging Photos

Website/PhD Thesis

Terry Flaxton FRPS

Thank you for Terry Flaxton FRPS in providing a link to a website which has visuals, still images, moving images, papers, book chapters, conferences etc. - plus more than 20 hours of cinematographic training sessions

Terry gained his Fellowship in Research, with a PhD
"On the production and consumption of moving images: An exploration of the experience of emerging digital technologies, 2007-2016"

And also a conclusion page which list outputs:

PhD Thesis 

Author: Prof. Robert Ryan FRPS
Title: Intuition, Expertise and Judgement in the Capture and Assessment of Photographic Images. 

PhD Thesis 

Author: Dr. Rehan Zia  FRPS
Title: Fixing it in the present - the decisive moment in high dynamic range landscape photography.


Publication: The Journal Vol. 159
Title: Qualifications: Focus on two of the Society's specialist accreditations


Publication: The Photo historian No. 184
Title: Research replaces REAP 

How to Apply

Potential applicants are expected to submit an application form along with a synopsis of approximately 500 words to Andy Moore, summarising the intended work. At this stage, the Chair will comment and provide advice on your proposed submission.

All applicants should then submit one hard copy of the evidence and a PDF version. If you are unable to provide a hard copy or PDF version please contact Andy Moore.

Andy Moore LRPS, The Royal Photographic Society, 337 Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol BS4 3AR.

The application will then be sent to the Chair of the Research Panel. A decision is then made whether
A) to send to the Research assessors for a decision, or
B) to request more information to supplement the application.


Assessment Dates

Assessments for Research are Open-ended, allowing you to apply at your leisure

Assessment Fees

Licentiate £42.50
Associate £60.00
Fellowship £85.00

Research Application Form

Clicking "Download" will open a PDF file within a new browser window

Panel Members 2024

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Prof. Andrea Liggins


Prof. Afzal Ansary


Dr Tim Daly


Dr Paul Jeff


You can view Panel Members from other Genres Here