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CREDIT: Evan Dawson

Visit us

Visit our Bristol home to enjoy exhibitions, workshops, talks, film screenings and many other events

Information about RPS House

RPS Photohub 140821 Evan Dawson
CREDIT: Evan Dawson

Plan your visit

RPS House is open to the public Thursday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.

We want to ensure that everyone shares a safe and enjoyable experience. Before visiting, please read our Visitor Guide and book a ticket to our exhibitions.

Learn more
Tawny Owlet Braching (Strix Aluco)
CREDIT: © Sam Laughlin / Tawny Owlet Braching (Strix Aluco)
Rebecca Faith
CREDIT: Rebecca Faith

Building hire

Hire our 101-seat auditorium fitted with cinema quality equipment, state of the art exhibition space, conference room, photographic resource centre and/or library.

Learn more
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Media enquiries

The RPS is the United Kingdom's leading photography organisation and is well-placed to provide informed comment to the media on many different aspects of photography, photographers and issues surrounding photography.

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CREDIT: Evan Dawson

Film screenings

Coming later this year

CREDIT: Andrew Carothers ARPS


RPS Distinctions are one of the most widely recognised and respected photography awards throughout the world. Our tailored and friendly education programme offers Advisory Days, Assessments and many other ways to support your photography. 

Learn more