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CREDIT: © Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS

RPS Workshops

Learn something new, hone your skills and expand your knowledge with a photography workshop from the RPS.
Monsters Myths Metaphors0013
CREDIT: Benedict Brain ARPS

Workshops from the Royal Photographic Society

Whether you're diving into photography for the first time or honing your skills, there is a range of online and in-person workshops run by the RPS.

All of our workshops are open to non-members with RPS members receiving discounts. If you're looking to develop your photography join the RPS today and start saving.

See all our workshops

Explore our workshops

CREDIT: Simon Ellingworth

On-Demand workshops

We offer on-demand workshops that you can watch anytime, anywhere and at your own pace in a range of subjects.         

On-demand topics include: 

- Beginners guide to Street Photography 
- Creative Flower Photography
- Macro Photography

See all On-Demand Workshops
WSMS2257 Floris
CREDIT: Simon Ellingworth

Street Photography Workshops

Developing a project, or learning new image making skills? We have a range of workshops specifically around street photography to get you out and about and capturing the world around you. 


See our Street Photography Workshops
Aquilegia By John Humphrey
CREDIT: © John Humphrey FRPS

Nature Photography Workshops

Nature offers endless beauty, from vibrant plants and delicate flowers to captivating wildlife and underwater wonders. Our workshops will help you master the key skills and techniques needed to photograph these stunning subjects.

See our Nature Workshops
Tim Daly

Editing Workshops

We offer a range of workshops covering a wide variety of photo editing software. From smartphone editing to Adobe suites theres something to suit every skill level.


See our workshops on editing
Timdaly Zine Project
CREDIT: Tim Daly

Project based workshops

Developing your next project starts here with our various workshops focusing on idea development, research, learning and project planning.


See our project based workshops
UK18 044 Ogwen Valley And Cwm Idwal From Pinnacle Crag, Gwynedd, Snowdonia © Robert Harvey Www.Naturalworldphotography.Net
CREDIT: Robert Harvey ARPS

Landscape Photography Workshops

We have a range of workshops that will get you out and about and photographing the beauty of the landscape.

See our Landscape Workshops
Natural Light Portait by Simon Ellingworth
CREDIT: Simon Ellingworth

Portraiture Workshops

Our portraiture workshops are great for photographers who want to learn the technical and interpersonal skills required for great portrait photography.


See our Portraiture Workshops
Abstract Nigelwilson
CREDIT: Nigel Wilson

Abstract Workshops

Our workshops on Abstract Photography provide an insight into the medium of abstract photography and alternative ways of seeing that can lead to the creation of unique, artistic photographs.


See our Abstract Workshops
CREDIT: Nigel Wilson

Core Skills Workshops

These workshops will help you develop the core skills needed to feel confident and inspired to take better images.




See our core skills workshops
Gwelliian Riall
CREDIT: Gwelliian Riall

Open University Online Course

Digital photography: Creating and Sharing Better Images 

A 10 week online course, developed by the Open University and supported by the RPS for beginners and those who wish to develop their photography further.

Learn more and apply
Dewald Botha
CREDIT: Dewald Botha

Open College of the Arts Short Courses

The Open College of the Arts is offering two new on-line courses, Photography As Language and Investigating Place. These courses are designed to make you think and connect more deeply with the images you see and those you take.  Supported by the RPS.

More Info

Free Resources

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Model Release Form

The RPS has commissioned this GDPR compliant Model Release Form which it is making available to all as part of its objectives of supporting photographers. A Model Release Form establishes a contract between the photographer and a model, defines how and where photographs may be used and the basis of any remuneration. It protects both the photographer and the model in the event of any dispute – provided the parties have abided by the terms of the release.

Nature 6
The Nature Photographers' Code of Practice

Revised in 1997 and 2007 in consultation with the RSPB and the three Statutory Nature Conservation Councils. Produced by The Nature Group of The Royal Photographic Society. “There is one hard and fast rule, whose spirit must be observed at all times. The welfare of the subject is more important than the photograph.”

UK Copyright Highway Code

The Royal Photograhic Society encourages all photographers to protect their images against copying and unauthorised use. The Society works closely with other organisations and photographers to provide support and education of the issues surrounding the making, sharing and using of images. This useful guide is produced by the British Copyright Council.

Meet Our Tutors

Allie Astell
Allie Astell

Allie Astell, Founder of Manage My Website is an authorised Squarespace Trainer and Approved Specialist and has lectured for Guardian Masterclasses. With 12 years’ experience training people in website design and online marketing, she'll spend 2 hours teaching you how to optimise your online presence with clear guidance to walk you through the process. This is a webinar not to be missed.


See Allie's Workshops
Ben Brain Self Portrait 2 Copy
Benedict Brain

Benedict is a UK based photographer, journalist and artist. He practices as a fine-art and commercial photographer and as a photography workshop leader and is also an award-winning journalist who until recently was editor of Britain’s best-selling consumer photography magazine, Digital Camera. Writing credits include; Amateur Photographer, PhotoPlus, NPhoto, Professional Photography and Practical Photoshop, with a regular column, The Art of Seeing, for Digital Camera magazine.

See our recent Interview with Benedict


See Benedict's Workshops
Tim Daly
Tim Daly

Tim Daly teaches photography at the University of Chester and has a research interest in the ‘thingness’ of photography and the materiality of the photographic print. Daly has worked on various themes including architecture: of social housing, the Plotland movement and former asylum complexes, DIY culture especially renovation and modification and leisure pastimes and tourism. Credits include: Bloomsbury Academic, AVA, Peachpit Press, Focal Press, Aurum Press, The Photographers’ Gallery and NGBK, Berlin. In 2017, Tim established Fugitive Press.


See Tim's Workshops
Simon Ellingworh
Simon Ellingworth

Simon is a multi award winning Fine Art Street Photographer. He has featured in the International Photography Awards, International iPhone Photography Awards, Mobile Photography Awards & Professional Photographer of the Year. His limited edition Fine Art Street Photography prints are sold globally by Saatchi galleries, etc. He is a passionate educator, a lover of simplicity on both gear and technique and welcomes photographs of all abilities and with cameras from iPhones, mirrorless to DSLRs.

See Simon's Workshops
Michelle Essenson
Michelle Essenson

Michelle is passionate about light painting and is looking forward to building people’s confidence and experience with this great genre of photography. Having run her own Learning and Development company for many years, she is a very experienced workshop facilitator and coach. She is known for her creativity and desire to help others unleash their own in fun and supportive learning environments.


See Michelle's Workshops
Robert Harvey
Robert Harvey

Robert holds the Excellence award of the Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique. Inspired by remote locations, where untamed land is sculpted by natural elements, his photographic schedules are often dictated by sunrise, sunset, moon, tides and weather. Based in Wiltshire, Robert leads photography tours throughout Britain, as well as overseas. He is the author of several books on photography and astronomy including Photographing the Heavens, Night Sky, Photographing Wiltshire and Britain’s Best Landscapes and How to Photograph Them.

See Robert's Workshops
Alixandra Fazzina
Alixandra Fazzina

Alixandra's work focuses on under-reported conflicts and the often forgotten humanitarian consequences of war. She is known for her in-depth investigative reporting and uncanny ability to work in the most difficult social and geographical environments. She began her career as a war artist in Bosnia. Going on to work as a frontline news photographer for the press. A co-owner and member of NOOR Images and the NOOR Foundation, she has been published in books and across international titles, and exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide.


See Alixandra's Workshops
Jon Gray
Jon Gray

Jon has been in the photographic industry for over 40 years, and has had a wide range of experience working with a variety of leading Advertising and Fashion agencies. He is a Fellow of the British institute of Professional Photographers and National Union of Journalists. Credits include: Gucci, P&O, Dunlop, The Telegraph, Vogue, Saatchi, B.P, Ferrari, BBC Film and Getty Images. Jon is also has Two Fashion & Beauty Teaching DVDS and a Glamour & Beauty photography book published in the UK and in Russia. 


See Jon's Workshops
Martine Hamilton Knight (Credit Adam Shaw)
Martine Hamilton-Knight
DLitt (Hon), FHEA, ARPS

Martine DLitt(hon), FHEA, is an architectural photographer whose career has spanned three decades. Her images have been published in dozens of books and journals world-wide. She has had several exhibitions including a large solo show in Ningbo, China in 2009 and in 2022. Awarded an honorary doctorate by The University of Nottingham in 2012, she is also a senior lecturer at Nottingham Trent University in the School of Art & Design. She has lectured across the UK for The Royal Institute of British Architects. Her book Photography for Architects - Effective use of images in your architectural practice is published by Routledge in Jan 2024.


See Martine's Workshops
Lilian Hobbs
CREDIT: Lilian Hobbs
Dr Lilian Hobbs

Lilian is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and has been an amateur astronomer for many years. She is a speaker at various astronomy clubs and more recently at photography groups too. Lilian’s real interest in astronomy is astro-photography and her garden observatories have been featured on the BBC Sky at Night. Lilian is always keen to try out new ideas and share her thoughts on capturing the night sky, e.g - have you ever thought of using a gimbal or a GoPro for astrophotography? She has also written several astronomy books.


See Lilian's Workshops
John Humphrey
John Humphrey

John Humphrey has a professional background in the management of mental health. He specialises in art and macro photography, and presents RPS workshops on Creative and Experimental Photography, Macro Photography, and Advanced Photoshop.

John’s books ‘Close-up and Macro Photography’ and ‘Creative and Experimental Photography’ are published by the Crowood Press.

See John's Workshops
Tim Jones
Tim Jones

Tim is Academy lead and Technical Manager at Fotospeed. He worked as a freelance photographer for over 10 years, as-well-as a digital re-toucher. Tim leads the Photoshop, Lightroom, Monochrome and Practical printing courses at Fotospeed and is an Adobe Photoshop Associate. He will be sharing his personal knowledge and experiences of working with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, and how he has used the software for printing and editing his work over the last 15 years. Tim completed his MA in Photography at Falmouth University in 2021.

See Tim's Workshops
Polina Plotnikova
Polina Plotnikova

Polina's approach to flower photography is “somewhat similar to that of a portrait photographer – for every flower and plant that I photograph, I always try to find its unique look, study its mood and character, and ultimately unlock the hidden beauty of my models”. While appreciating the natural beauty of plants and trying to stay true to their original look, Polina does not limit her point of view to purely botanical. She tries “to lift a flower off its typical setting and put it into indeterminate space, where its beauty can be seen in all its purity”.


See Polina's Workshops
CREDIT: Nigel Wilson
Nigel Wilson

Nigel is a very experienced teacher, leading inspirational classes at many institutions, including New York University, Photofusion and London’s famous Camera Club. He is also currently lecturing at the Victoria & Albert Museum, as well as running workshops for the RPS.

See Nigel's Workshops
Dr Marketa Zvelebil, FRSB, LRPS
CREDIT: Dr Marketa Zvelebil, FRSB, LRPS
Dr Marketa Zvelebil

Marketa Zvelebil has won a number of international photographic competitions and has had photographs exhibited in France and other countries (Germany, South Africa, Vietnam, Spain, Sweden, UK and others). Several of her photos have been published in various magazines including National Geographic Traveller Magazine, Digital Photographer and other as well as books. Her photos have also been published on photographic sites such as Shutterbug,  digitalcameraworld.com and PetaPixel.

See Marketa's Workshops