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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Rebecca Faith Photo 1083


The Royal Photographic Society is a company incorporated by Royal Charter, and also a registered charity. It is regulated by the Charity Commission. Please read on for more information ...



Our Royal Charter was granted by Her Majesty the Queen on the advice of the Privy Council on 27 July 2004. The Charter states the objectives Society, what it may and must do, and how it may be run.

In defining the objects of the RPS, the Charter states:

"The objects of The Society are to educate members of the public by increasing their knowledge and understanding of Photography and in doing so to promote the highest standards of achievement in Photography in order to encourage public appreciation of Photography.

In this Charter 'Photography' shall mean the Art or Science of the recording of light or other radiation on any medium on which an image is produced or from which any image may by any means be produced."

The Charter prevails if there is any conflict in meaning or instruction with the ByLaws or Rules, and the ByLaws prevail over the Rules.


The By-Laws set out, at a high level, how the RPS is run. Our By Laws may only be amended with the consent of the Privy Council.  

Following a major governance review in 2020-2021 and to reflect the current operational and governance processes of the RPS, the Board of Trustees proposed a revision of these By Laws.  Such a revision was endorsed by the Members at an AGM held 23 September 2023, and approved by the Privy Council in 2024.  

You can download a copy of the 2024 By-Laws here


The Regulations are being developed by the Board of Trustees and this process will involve consultation with Members and stakeholders. The Regulations will be a major initiative of the Board of Trustees from September 2021. The President will update Members as this work is progressed.


In 2020, Simon Hill HonFRPS, then President Elect and now President, led a review of the Society’s strategic aims and direction. Evan Dawson (CEO) and Heather Field (Trustee) subsequently drew on that work and spent many months working with other Trustees, Members, Staff and stakeholders to develop a new Strategic Plan for the RPS: Strategic Plan 2021-2026 - Photography for Everyone. You can download a copy of the Strategic Plan here.

Annual Reports

Each year, our Trustees' Annual Report and Accounts are approved at the AGM and submitted to the Charity Commission. Please click the following links to download the most recent reports:

2022 | 2021 |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014  |  
|  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008  | 

Annual Report and Accounts 2023 can be viewed and downloaded here 


Find out more about our committees



The following policies and guidelines are available for general reference. Further guidelines and policies may be available for members and volunteers when logged in to the website.

Member Code of Conduct   Our Members are expected to support one another at all times and behave in a way that protects the reputation of the RPS. This document details our expectations of Member conduct. Our Complaints Process shows how we manage any complaints that are received.

Privacy Policy   Our privacy policy explains what personal information we hold and how we use it. It explains the legal basis we use for processing personal information and your rights with regard to this.

Website terms and conditions   Our website terms and conditions outline our basis and expectations for the provision of this website and our expectations for how it will be used. It also explains our use of cookies on the website.

Complaints   If you have an issue or complaint about the RPS, we ask you to first take this up with an appropriate member of staff. If you are still dissatisfied, then you may escalate to a manager or if necessary email As a final resort, we have a formal complaints procedure, which may be used if, regrettably, we have not been able to address your issue.