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Exhibition “Example is Everything"

Under the Motto “Rethinking the World”, the nationwide Bauhaus Association 2019, together with ten federal states invited people to rediscover the historical testimonies of the Bauhaus as well as its significance for the present and future.
The title of our Exhibition goes back to an insight by Karl-Ernst Osthaus (1874 - 1921). One of the most important German art patrons and art collectors of the early 20th century and who, as a great patron of Walter Gropius, can also be seen as a pioneer of the Bauhaus.
The meaningful and straightforward sentence by Karl Ernst Osthaus - “Example is everything” - sums up his idea of implementing artistic ideas in everyday life and thus bringing art and life into harmony.
With this trend-setting thought, he already anticipated the goals of the Bauhaus. Osthaus also used the growing medium of photography to document evidence of historical and modern architecture as well as to illustrate the urban planning requirements of an industrial city with examples of successful implementations and thus make them known.
Osthaus’s first cultural project in Hagen was the establishment of a museum, which bore the name Folkwang Museum. Between 1898 and 1902, the Berlin architect Carl Gérard erected the museum building in the neo-Renaissance style, which today houses the Osthaus Museum.
Following Osthaus’ motto, a “work in progress” had been created in the Young Museum in the Osthaus Museum, in close cooperation with the Royal Photographic Society Germany Chapter.
For the “work in progress”, visitors were able to attach their photos with explanatory texts to surfaces provided for this purpose and thus actively participated.
To inspire visitors for their participation in the “work in progress”, the Society’s photographers had devoted themselves throughout 2019 to present their individually focused view of the contemporary Hagen architecture and everyday culture related to following topics:
Tradition - Multi-Cultural
Financial/social problems
The aim was to show whether the selected location has succeeded in shaping building culture and the associated everyday culture in a positive sense because even today we are once again faced with significant urban challenges due to the changing Society.
In total, the members of the Chapter submitted 162 photographs related to 38 specific themes.
After a final selection, by Dr Elisabeth May, Manager of the Junges Museum and Dr Birgit Schulte, deputy Director and custodian of the Osthaus Museum, who was co-curator of the Exhibition, 11 themes with 22 corresponding photographs and its individual statement of intents participate in the Exhibition.
The Exhibition was shown from 7 November 2019 to 19 January 2020 at the Junges Museum in Hagen.
Furthermore, some of the photographs were transferred to the exhibition “Zukunft Jetzt” (Future Now), which will be shown at the LWL-Industriemuseum TextilWerk in Bocholt from 5 May to 25 October 2020. The Exhibition presents educational projects created on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Andreas Pfeiffer
Hagen crafts and trade
Hairdressers (Haus der Schönheit), the shops next door (Koma-Läden) or the shoe store Flüs are signs of yesterdays crafts and trade in Hagen.
In some buildings, you can find origin services, like the food store at Bülowstreet.
From the cinema Odeon at Schwerterstraße pedestrians won’t find any remains, rather than hidden from the ugliness of the following functional buildings.
So the pictures showing places from the perspective of a pedestrian, where crafts and trade were established in Hagen.
Many thanks to the Hagener Heimatbund, for the Hagen Book 2017, that build the basis for the research.

Chris Renk
Hagen, the city of education
If one searches for the synonyms for education, training, and scholarship are listed. In the same breath, however, creation, origin, development, as well as shaping and design, are also mentioned.
As one of the pillars of education in Hagen, the building complex of the Fernuniversität Hagen unites all synonyms under one roof by providing an architecturally remarkable stage for outstanding education within the city limits of Hagen through shaping and design.
Here, the architecture reflects the most diverse facets of education, which are reflected in the various images:
- Education unites the most diverse topics under one roof.
- Education never runs in a straight line, it is similar to climbing a spiral staircase but offers different ways of
getting on.

Eberhard Potempa
Air pollution control
The car traffic in the city centre of Hagen has increased considerably. The reasons for this are manifold and have been occupying the city fathers for many years. Especially the Märkischer Ring and the Bergischer Ring are heavily burdened, also and especially by the through traffic.
The effects on air quality are serious. In the so-called “Finanzamtschlucht” (on the four-lane Märkischer Ring), a speed limit of 30 on a few hundred metres has recently been introduced.
This is intended to reduce nitrogen dioxide pollution in order to avoid driving bans for diesel drivers. The long-awaited railway station bypass of the city of Hagen is to be open to traffic from the end of the year after seven years of construction. It is hoped that this will lead to a significant reduction in traffic in Wehringhausen and on the Graf-von-Galen-Ring. In addition, the 65 million investment is intended to help prevent the limit values of the Clean Air Plan from being exceeded.
Both measures of the city of Hagen serve to improve air quality and are to be evaluated positively in the sense of “example is everything”. Further measures in the fight to reduce pollutants must follow.

Horst Witthueser
City of litter
How good that HEB (Hagener Entsorgungsbetriebe) with its waste incineration plant is located in Hagen.
Unfortunately, some citizens seem to be completely indifferent to where they put their dirt and garbage.
From dog excrement on the sidewalk to shopping trolleys in the Volme, there is hardly a place that is not “beautified” in this way.

Martin Gerling
Hagen is upside down
I often feel this way when reading the daily newspaper or the news on the Internet.
It’s about financial gaps in the budget of the city of Hagen, about the preparations for a theatre performance or about the cultural scene standing on its head when it comes to the possible sale of municipal cultural assets.
I can well imagine that many a “Hagener” has the feeling that he is standing on his head.

Siegfried Rubbert
The kiosk - the drinking hall, the booth
is for many people in the Ruhr area a place of social communication, of small purchases of newspapers, tobacco products, drinks, sweets or even a small snack.
...go to the kiosk, get some cigarettes, drink pilsken (beer) and have a chat….. best describes this philosophy.
It is nice that there are still many of these institutions in Hagen, but it is a pity that some of them have to give up.

Eberhard Vogler
Hagen - city of bridges
Bridges have always fascinated me.
If one comes as a visitor with the car into the city centre from Hagen, one automatically drives over the Altenhagener High bridge. As part of the B 54 it leads, among other things, to the striking high-rise building of the Agentur für Arbeit and the River Volme.
Their construction ensures that the through traffic flows better and it is on the under its located intersection to less traffic is coming. Bridges connect people and places. In the field of Hochbrücke, however, cuts through a district of the city. The View of the residents from the adjacent residential buildings is very limited.
Besides, the entire cityscape is impaired, since the view of the adjacent development is partly not guaranteed. Like a foreign body the steel structure squeezes itself and concrete between the rows of houses, this is also changed the colourful painting nothing.
The Altenhagener Hochbrücke is a good example of this, that urban development solutions not only have advantages, but also can also have disadvantages.

Karsten Lutz
Hagen – Stadt der Industrie in Wandel
Von ursprünglich Kleinindustrie in Seitentälern über das Hüttenwerk in Hagen Haspe hat sich das Spektrum der Industrie im Laufe der Jahrzehnte sehr verändert.
Eine der letzten großen Betriebsschließungen war „Zwieback Brand“.
Das Foto dokumentiert die Umgestaltung des Geländes stellvertretend für den Wandel der Industrie in der Stadt.
Neue, umweltfreundliche Industrien sowie die Fernuniversität haben sich angesiedelt.

Ute Gerling
In some streets parking in Hagen is no fun. Impatient manoeuvring, loud honking, wild gestures that are supposed to serve as movements of interpersonal communication make life super hard in the end.
The parking spaces without limits are highly sought-after objects, but scarce.
If, then after many rounds, you get the benefit of a parking space, you should be checked as a precaution whether a ticket has to be taken here and now. Finding a parking space in Hagen is/can be a life task.
I am searching right now.