Digital Imaging Southern aims to support the activities of the Digital Imaging Group by organizing events in the Ringwood area.
Meetings are informal, and include illustrated talks, demonstrations and hands-on workshops. Some are all day presentations but sometimes there will be a keynote speaker in the morning and an opportunity for attendees to have about 5 minutes in the afternoon, to show their current work whether prints, projected images or short AVs.
Most meetings are held on a Sunday, starting at 10.30am and finishing by 4.00pm.
Advance booking is not essential unless specified in the publicity material. However, advanced booking is always essential for hands-on workshops.
RPS members in the Southern Region who have an email address and have given permission for it to be used will be sent pre-publicity of events by email.
All are welcome to attend; DIG and non DIG RPS members and non members of the RPS.