
RPS Digital Imaging

Southern Centre


Digital Imaging Southern aims to support the activities of the Digital Imaging Group by organizing events in the Ringwood area.

Meetings are informal, and include illustrated talks, demonstrations and hands-on workshops. Some are all day presentations but sometimes there will be a keynote speaker in the morning and an opportunity for attendees to have about 5 minutes in the afternoon, to show their current work whether prints, projected images or short AVs.

Most meetings are held on a Sunday, starting at 10.30am and finishing by 4.00pm.

Advance booking is not essential unless specified in the publicity material.  However, advanced booking is always essential for hands-on workshops.

RPS members in the Southern Region who have an email address and have given permission for it to be used will be sent pre-publicity of events by email.

All are welcome to attend; DIG and non DIG RPS members and non members of the RPS.


Trees Forest


The Digital Imaging Group Southern Centre aims to host four lecture  events each year plus the occasional hands-on practical workshop.

Events General Information
April 20, 2023 TWP3280 2 Small

Schools Exhibition 2023

Ringwood Rotary Schools Exhibtion 'Movement' organised by Ringwood School and supported by DIG Southern

Schools Exhibition
Ringwood Schools 2024 Link

Schools Exhibition 2024

Ringwood Rotary Schools Exhibtion 'Atmosphere' organised by Ringwood School and supported by DIG Southern

Exhibtion 2024