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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Hartland Quay © Matthew Lodge
CREDIT: Matthew Lodge

May 2024 Landscape Group News

Welcome to the May 2024 Landscape Group Newsletter

I have been writing Editorials for 5 years and have seen some major but not necessarily big developments in camera development and an increasing tendency for photographers to experiment with more creative techniques. When I started, most serious photographers would regard the Scottish Highlands and Iceland as the places to visit to capture novel images, which tended to be interesting views or unusual juxtapositions of elements in an image.

Editorial May 24 by Peter Fortune

Chair Chat with Colin Balfour LRPS

A round-up of all the latest happenings from the Landscape Group.

Chair Chat - May 2024
Forth Bridges
STOP PRESS: Conference Tickets for non-residential delegates

Our Landscape Group bi-annual residential conference will be held next March in North Queensferry, Fife, just across the Forth from Edinburgh. We have a great range of speakers already lined up, and with the superb location, it could well be our best conference yet. For details, see the main events page on our Billetto ticket sales platform.

For those living further away, it obviously makes sense to attend on a fully-inclusive residential basis, but tickets are now on sale for people who live nearby or who wish to arrange their own accommodation. Go to the non-residential tickets.

Tickets are available at a discounted price until the end of August, and numbers are limited - so don't miss out. We hope the discount will encourage you to book early as this helps us to manage the event's cashflow.

Av Ground
Ever made an audio-visual presentation with your images?

If not, but you fancy having a go, now would be a great time. There is still time to register for our new Sound-Scapes project in which participants will be guided through the process of creating audio-visual sequences from their landscape photographs.  

We are really lucky to have enthusiastic support from members of the RPS AV Group, who will be providing their technical expertise and advice in return for nothing other than the thrill of seeing other people having a go at their way of sharing photography.

There was an online introductory talk at the end of April but if you missed it you can still watch it here, using pass code n&6qCQ7^.

To see more details of the project and to register to take part, go to our Billetto page here

White: a Photographic Exploration of the Svalbard Archipelago and the Antarctic Peninsula

An incredible photographic experience, with sea ice at its maximum extent in early spring creating wonderful photographic opportunities.


Hartland Peninsula

Breaking water over carboniferous sandstone and shale, Hartland Peninsula on the Northern coast of Devon is a long-exposure delight.

Hartland Peninsula

Tree Tunnels of Banstead Heath

An enjoyable guided walk photographing the mossy-green tunnels of Barnstead Heath

Tree Tunnels of Banstead Heath

Winning Photographers for March 2024

Winning Photographers for April 2024