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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

3380464 Robert Lunn My Garden Mist
CREDIT: Robert Lunn

RPS Landscape Group


If you are interested in joining one of the Circles, please contact David Travis ARPS, Circles Co-ordinator

Convergence By Honey Walker
CREDIT: Honey J Walker ARPS

Processing Circles

One member each month submits a RAW image for the other members to edit. It’s fascinating to see first-hand the techniques used by fellow members as they interpret the same starting image in a variety of different ways. This exposure to different editing styles and ideas expands your horizons and encourages you to try new techniques with your images. Processing groups meet over Zoom. The processing groups use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

The four processing circles are managed by Irene Stupples, Jim Stupples, Leigh Foster and Peter Rothwell.

St Thomas A'becket, Fairfield, By Peter Nest LRPS

eCritique Circles

Each member sends in one image per month for other members to evaluate. The critiques you receive on your photographs go way beyond the comments you'll get on social media and will give you insight into how other people view your work. And the discipline of appraising other people's landscape photographs has the benefit of enriching your own photographic vision. Some critique circles work over email and some meet via Zoom.

The eCritique circles are managed by David Travis, Martyn Bennett, Bill Daniels, Mark Sims, Candia Peterson, Greg Lovett, Steve Hartley and David Fender.

An Oak And The Fairfield Horseshoe By Chris Burgess
CREDIT: Chris Burgess

Print Circles

Physical prints are circulated for constructive critique amongst the Print Circle members.

Printing and circulating your photographs among a community of photographers not only helps you grow as an artist but also provides a tangible experience that enhances the connection between you and your work.

The three print circles are managed by Diana Wynn, Doug Lodge and Adrian Gidney.