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International Members
The Society has members all around the world, all keen photographers who wish to be part of this organisation, each on their own photographic journey. However we appreciate that being one lone member geographically unable to engage with other RPS colleagues is difficult, especially if you wish to work towards your RPS Distinctions.
Through these international web pages we aim to give our international members a place to refer to; a portal to help you get the best experience of your RPS membership. Many UK based RPS groups offer online meetings many of which are recorded and made available to suit those in different time zones.
The links to such recordings will be Available via the International newsletters and emails.
In some countries there are RPS Chapters where volunteers organise a variety of meetings, exhibitions, workshops – they produce newsletters and online magazines. Many are now reaching out to individuals using video conferencing facilities. Even if you do not live in a country with a Chapter there is nothing stopping you from electing to be a member of any Chapter of your choice. To opt in to a Chapter contact and ask to be assigned to the Chapter of your choice. Some of the Chapters have their own web pages. These can be accessed by going to Do take a look round their web pages and read their super online magazines. They have plenty to interest you there.
To keep you up to date with meetings and projects that you as an international member might be interested in we produce a quarterly online newsletter and interim emails. Both contain information signposting opportunities for you to engage with various activities. You can find the latest Newsletter here
Finally, if you have any good ideas for what you would like to see us offer via these international web pages then do contact us on: