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Distinctions portfolios
We offer three levels of Distinction, Licentiate, Associate and Fellowship, and you can see examples of successful portfolios from international members at all three levels below. We have also included some resources that you might find helpful if you are considering applying for a Distinction.
Licentiate (LRPS)
For the Licentiate, applicants must show (among other criteria) a variety of approach and techniques but not necessarily in subject matter. It's demanding but achievable for most dedicated photographers. It will require you to submit 10 images which reflect your ability as a photographer.


Associate (ARPS)
The Associate distinction requires applicants to submit a body of work/project consisting of 15 images and a written Statement of Intent. The images must be of a high standard. There are eight genres to choose from: Applied Photography, Contemporary Photography, Documentary Photography, Film Photography, Fine Art Photography, Landscape Photography, Natural History Photography and Travel Photography.



Fellowship (FRPS)
The Fellowship distinction requires applicants to submit a body of work/project consisting of 20 or 21 and a written Statement of Intent. Submissions are open to everyone. There are eight genres to choose from: Applied Photography, Contemporary Photography, Documentary Photography, Film Photography, Fine Art Photography, Landscape Photography, Natural History Photography and Travel Photography

Below are some resources you may find helpful when applying for a Distinction as an International member.

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Distinctions Talks: Live
If you've missed any of our talks, you can catch up here.