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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Windows of the World Exhibition 2021

We are delighted to announce a 2021 online exhibition of RPS International Members’ work to be displayed on the International section of the RPS website.

We are inviting all RPS international members to submit one image in this exhibition on the theme Windows on the World. Your image might be taken inside looking out – or outside looking in. It might be window reflections, or perhaps a traditional window typically found in your country or region. It’s wide open!

Submission of Images: 15 June 2021 - 31 August 2021

You must be an International member to submit. Only one entry per member.

How to submit:

  • Images must be no longer than 800px on the long edge

Do not send images with frames added or watermarks on the image (credits will be added to the page)

Images must be sRGB and jpg

Images should be titled in the following way:

  [Image Name] by [Member Name][Distinction (if any)][Country]

  e.g. Pretty Picture by Adam Smith ARPS Australia.jpg

Email your images to:

Please include your RPS membership number in the body of the email.

Failure to comply will mean your work will not be displayed.

Please contact if you have any questions.