Nuclear Emulsion
CREDIT: Ilford brochure, from the collection of Alan Hodgson ASIS HonFRPS

This is photography too!

(Sort of) high speed photography

This image came to mind for a number of reasons that I thought I would share with you.

First, I had been on a journey considering "What is Photography?". By the definition in our Charter this certainly is. The image is of an old Ilford silver halide emulsion brochure that is at least 50 years old. Take one aircraft carrier and use it as a platform to launch your "camera" to the highest altitudes using a gas filled balloon. Leave it there a while waiting for that decisive moment when a cosmic ray drills through your film. No light involved, just a particle coming our way very, very quickly.

Second, I was looking for some old examples of printed materials and found it in my collection. I had been examining print close up in the new look RPS Journal and was looking for a comparison. More on this yet to follow.

Finally, I was pleased to hear that my paper had been accepted for the "Don't Press Print - the collodion process" online conference. This is one of the images I plan to use on the day. Why? I plan to explore how a late 19th Century collodion process was a decisive moment in technical photography. Images like this are a direct result of these early pioneers. If you are interested mark your diaries for 1st and 2nd October and come join us for what should be a fascinating set of presentations and discussions. I look forward to meeting up with you online.