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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

Mike Taylor
CREDIT: Evan Dawson

Thanks Mike

Saying Goodbye to our Chief Operating Officer

Today we say Goodbye to Mike Taylor as Chief Operating Officer of the RPS. He has handed over the helm to Evan Dawson, our incoming CEO and sails off for pastures new. In true Mike style he has left us a note that is long on thanks but understates his achievements. This is my chance to right that balance.

Mike has been with us some 2 years. Possibly both of us feel like it has been longer but that is because through both planning and force of circumstance he has achieved so much. And in the face of a number of headwinds.

His original brief from Trustees was to make what became RPS House fit for their vision and to deliver us safely from Bath to Bristol. Mike turned this concept into an operational plan, executed it and did it well.

He stayed with us to facilitate the RPS getting settled and embedded in a new city. The following few months saw more than a few challenges to which Mike rose magnificently. We had a few issues through the last AGM, including a wholesale change in the Trustee body. There were concerns and complaints about the election process that triggered an investigation and a set of recommendations. Mike managed the operations side of these fittingly and then came the pandemic and further challenges. He again rose to the occasion.

Before the pandemic struck I went to see David Hurn HonFRPS deliver his last planned public lecture. "Do it well" was his message. Mike had taken on this instruction through all these challenges. He did it well.

Through all of this Mike has built a deep understanding of the work of the RPS. He has seen us at our best and witnessed all our challenges. He has been passing this over to Evan and it is fitting that the image above was taken by Evan as they hand over this week.

Thanks Mike. See you around.