Hollywood Icon


Stuff to share

I was looking through my  images for something that would best illustrate my feelings at this time. The sense of imprisonment that the pandemic has brought as we are confined to our homes. And the release that photography brings for me, in particular the viewing of prints. I found it in one of my recent images and I will share it with you.

Only 3 weeks ago I was at a conference in Portugal and visited exhibitions in a converted prison. The fortified walls, iron gates and barred windows seemed a perfect metaphor for the current predicament. But in the middle of this, a print exhibition from the John Kobal Foundation of Hollywood icons. Fabulous photography and print making on an industrial scale. And with it all aimed at pure escapism it fits the moment to perfection.

It is my hope that you, like me can find solace and escapism in photography and image viewing. And you do not need to travel for this - Sugar Paper Theories is now available as a virtual walk-around from The RPS Gallery.

Read more like this in President's News.