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Time At Seilebost By William Watson
CREDIT: William Watson

RPS Landscape Group Monthly Competition March 2022

An online monthly Photography competition for RPS Landscape Group Members.

Winners Announcement

Landscape Group Members submitted another stunning collection of images to the Landscape Group competition during March 2022.


1st Place

Time At Seilebost by William Watson

Image details:

Camera and lens:   Fuji X-T3, Fuji XF 16-80mm lens at 41mmExposure:    f/22, ISO 80 for 0.4 secondsICM Movement:    Single diagonal sweep from upper right with a pause at the beginning to let details registerPost Processing:    In Lightroom, to add contrast and manage lighting and saturation within the image

The photograph was taken in the late afternoon after returning to the workshop base at Seilebost from a trip down West Harris photographing the crashing waves. I sat down in the conservatory with a cuppa and took this single exposure ICM through the rain-streaked window - far removed from the normal image of a Landscape Photographer as being out in all weathers!

I've been trying to develop my ICM for a few years with some of the works of Turner as my main inspiration. The final ICM image may be from a single image (as here) or from combining a number of images (eg in the style of Andy Gray).   I find that, when successful, the ICM image can remove fine detail and convey much more in terms of feeling for the subject.

See more of William's photography at:  

Comments made by RPS Landscape Members when voting for Williams's image

  • It gives a beautiful feeling and colour of the place.

  • The image provided an interesting take on the subject. It made me pause to have a good look and the result was pleasing to the eye.



2nd Place

Isle of Dogs by Peter Benson

View more of Peter Benson's photography at:


Comments made by RPS Landscape Members when voting for Peter's image

  • I liked the panoramic format and the composition and balance were superb.  The detail on the buildings was extremely sharp and the reflections were beautiful.

  • A stunning symmetrical image which is possibly over sharp but which I think adds to the reflective qualities of the buildings in the water. 

  • Stunning image with incredible detail.

  • Good to see a city landscape and done well. 

  • Fabulous light!


3rd Place

Misty Morning by Joaquim Capitão

View more of Joaquim's photography at:


Comments made by RPS Landscape Members when voting for Joaquim's image

  • Good composition with reflection of the mill and a nicely framed frosty foreground . Lovely soft palette typical of ....a misty morning!

  • Atmospheric, brings the eye to the centre by leading in from the grasses and the cloud streak - good interesting composition.



How the competition works

  • Landscape Members email their image.
  • Images are displayed on RPS Landscape group’s website.
  • On the 23rd-28th of each month, Members are sent a link to a voting form and invited to vote for their favourite 3 images.
  • The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are announced on the 1st of the month and can be seen on the Landscape Group competition web page.
  • The Prize in 2022 is Robert Harvey's book in hard cover, Britain's Best Landscapes and How to Photograph Them.

Full instructions can be found on the RPS Landscape Group website.

Look out on the RPS Landscape Group Facebook page for updates.



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