RPS Scotland - Monthly Competition Entries & Winners

Images submitted by RPS Scotland members on "Themed" subjects for the months of July 2022 to December 2022. At the end of each month, a list of that month's winners is published.

RPS YouTube Channel

As part of our ongoing development of communications we have created a new RPS Scotland YouTube Channel. At present it is still in it's infancy but is open to all RPS Scotland members who would like to show a range of their work without having to set up a website of their own.

By preparing a series of slides in PowerPoint then with the addition of music (copyright free only) we can post it on the site for all to see and admire.

Also, The Royal Photographic Society has an active YouTube channel where you can catch up on recent videos as well as past recordings.

Should you have missed any of the recent talks and would like to listen again, then most are available by following this link:-

RPS YouTube

The RPS Digital Imaging Group also run a YouTube Channel and again, many of the recent lectures are available to be viewed here. Whilst RPS Scotland is not part of the DI Group, many of our members are also members of this Special Interest Group.

The Digital Imaging Group provides stimulating and inspiring opportunities for all photographers to learn, which can be regarding software, processing techniques or the art of photography. Almost all photographers - from landscape to conceptual, travel to portrait, fine art to documentary - want to improve their digital photography craft. They are the largest Special Interest Group within the RPS.

Follow this link to view their range of videos:-

RPS Digital Imaging Group

RPS Scotland Facebook Group

RPS Scotland Facebook Group Link

Don't forget, if you live in Scotland, and are a member of the RPS, you can join into our lively Facebook Group and share your images and thoughts with like minded members.

All we need is your membership number and the first part of your postcode.

All requests will be checked and only current members of RPS Scotland will be able to join (as individuals, not pages). If you apply to join you will be asked the above questions and these must be answered to confirm membership and gain access.

This forum is to bring our geographical far flung membership together and for you to post pictures, ideas, comments, stories, etc. but anything offensive will be removed. We have zero tolerance for abusive comments and the member will be banned. No adverts please.

If you post a photo and would like some feedback on your image, please use the hashtag #critique. This will indicate to others that you are happy for feedback and to demonstrate suggestions for improvement you are happy to have modifications posted. If you are not happy for mods you are free to say so after the hashtag. For those posting a critique, please do not reply to a request for critique with a "Like" - write a comment, however short!

Only members can see who's in the group and what they post, however, anyone can find this group


1 - Our Mission

This forum is for you to post pictures, ideas, comments, stories, etc. but anything offensive will be removed. We have zero tolerance for abusive comments and the member will be banned.

2 - Critique 1

If you post a photo and would like some feedback on your image, please use the hashtag #critique. This will indicate to others that you are happy for feedback and to demonstrate suggestions for improvement you are happy to have modifications posted.

3 - Critique 2

If you are not happy for mods you are free to say so after the hashtag. For those posting a critique, please do not reply to a request for critique with a "Like" - write a comment, however short!

4 - Adverts

No adverts please. Simples!

5 - And finally!

Keep shooting, have fun, and above all, be kind.