Belhaven Bridge - Margaret Campbell ARPS
CREDIT: Margaret Campbell ARPS

Regional Volunteers & Committee

Committee and Volunteers

The Scottish Region covers probably the largest region in the United Kingdom and is run by a team of volunteers.

Should you wish to contribute and help within the Region, please contact David Ferguson LRPS by email



James Frost FRPS (Documentary, Applied & L Panels)

Mick Durham FRPS  (Natural History panel - chair)

Karen Berry FRPS (Natural History panel)

Moira Gardner FRPS (Natural History panel)

Hazel Frost FRPS (Travel panel - chair;Licentiate panel - chair)

Roy Robertson Hon FRPS




Orkney - Vacant

Northern - Trish Roberts ARPS

Grampian - Nigel Corby FRPS

Tayside - Vacant

Fife - Monica Vella

Fife - Vacant

Fife - Ken Goodfellow LRPS

Kinross - Vacant

Borders - Vacant

Central - Bob Black

South West - Vacant

Ayrshire - Vacant

Edinburgh - Filipe Teixeira-Dias

Glasgow - Vacant

Lanarkshire - Paul Skehan ARPS

Any of the above Reps can be contacted through either or

Image - We Three by Kenneth Ness FRPS