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Aindreas Scholz
CREDIT: Aindreas Scholz

What's On

Find upcoming events, talks, and exhibitions from the RPS, whether at RPS House in Bristol, across the UK, or abroad.

Current Exhibition:
RPS Documentary Photography Awards

RPS Gallery | 17 January - 9 March 2025 |  Free admission | Find out more 

The Documentary Photography Awards (DPA) is organised by the Royal Photographic Society's Documentary Group. The RPS Documentary Group has run the awards (and formerly as the Documentary Photographer of the Year) for over ten years. This edition changes the focus to a broader celebration and recognition of documentary photography from around the world.


RPS Photohub 140821 Evan Dawson
CREDIT: Evan Dawson


Whether in person or streamed online, we host a range of events open to everyone, including workshops, talks, and exhibitions.

See what's on
UK19 471 Marbled White (Melanargia Galathea) And Full Moon, Barbury Castle, Wiltshire © Robert Harvey Www.Naturalworldphotography.Net
CREDIT: Robert Harvey ARPS

Online talks

Explore online talks run by the RPS and its members, from interviews with prominent photographers to presentations about recent projects or photobooks.

View online talks
EDB20170604 460
CREDIT: © Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS


Whether you're diving into photography for the first time or honing your skills, there is a range of online and in-person workshops run by the RPS and our team of qualified tutors.

See all workshops
Mark Phillips FRPS
CREDIT: Mark Phillips FRPS


There are three levels of RPS Distinctions. Clicks the links below to apply:

one2one Portfolio Reviews
Advisory Days
Licentiate (LRPS) Assessment 
Associate (ARPS) Assessment 
Fellowship (FRPS) Assessment

LF Afrofuturism 1G3A1606
CREDIT: Lola Flash

Awards Talks

Join us for a new series of conversations with recipients of the internationally respected RPS Awards. Each month we talk to a previous recipient about their work. Tickets are free.

Book tickets
Constant_Nicholas_Local Graveyard-Sarajevo (cropped)
CREDIT: Nicholas Constant


Explore the exhibitions run by the RPS and plan your visit to Bristol. We also run open calls and touring exhibitions.

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Hellscape A Dystopian Panorama 2024
CREDIT: Billy H.C. Kwok

Realms of Memory by Billy H.C. Kwok, Jay Lau & Lau Wai

Realms of Memory by Billy H.C. Kwok, Jay Lau & Lau Wai is part of the second edition of the Bristol Photo Festival. 

The archiving impulse is one that attempts to trace, document, and make sense of the world. In response to the photographic archives of Hong Kong held by the University of Bristol and the University of Hong Kong, artists Billy H.C. Kwok, Jay Lau, and Lau Wai have developed new projects that interpret the archival stories of their home city, while revealing the gaps that exist.

The works created explore how Hong Kong has always been a place of duality: real and imagined, public and private, fact and fiction, public and private. This exhibition is produced by WMA, in collaboration with the Royal Photographic Society and the Hong Kong History Centre at the University of Bristol.

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Groups, Regional Hubs & Chapters

Closed For The Night
CREDIT: Justin Cliffe ARPS
Fistral Bay, Cornwall
CREDIT: Janet Haines ARPS

Regional Hub events

CREDIT: Chris Renk

International events

Australia · Benelux · Germany · India · Japan · Sri Lanka · Switzerland

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If you are interested in a sold out activity, please email the event organiser so they can let you know if/when it will be run again.